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OBIS Requiem?


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EDIT2; I now have a Beta of this patch ready. Please let me know if you encounter any errors I made, or things I missed

OBIS - Requiem Patch BETA





I have started work on an OBIS Requiem patch. It is almost ready for a test phase.Keep in mind, I'm not really sure what I am doing, but I am pretty decent at using TES5Edit. What this patch basically does is unlevel the bandits, add Requiem Perks to them, change their agro settings to vanilla/requiem, as well as edit the shields added by OBIS to match requiem steal/iron.


I am currently in the process of testing these changes, I am not sure if I did them right, but if my game plays acceptably, I will upload this test esp to the Nexus some time this weekend for feedback!


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How difficult of a task would it be to change OBIS to work with requiem? Is there anyway someone who knows there stuff about requiem could list off edits that would need to be made for it work together with it? I haven't played with OBIS much, but it seems to me all that would need to be done is to change the values of the the new armor/shields/weapons (I know it at least has lots of shields)


I really feel like this could add a lot to my requiem experience, I love being punished by my game lol Also, considering bandits tend to be one of the easier enemies in requiem, giving thema bit more variety and making them more interesting would keep bandit keeling exciting.


Edited by ArtMurder
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Just wanna preface everything by saying I don't know Requiem at all but I do know OBIS very well.


Step 1, I think is to start learning TES5edit. It allows you to do things in batches so you can make the changes faster and more efficiently.


OBIS only really adds I think about 8 shields and there about vanilla steel quality at best, they can't even be tempered. The only real issue I hear is that the bandits themselves, their stats, are different from vanilla Requiem.

When I looked myself briefly Requiem only really changed the perks of the bandits from what I remember. In Requiem are the perks really game changing? Is that what really makes or breaks a good bandit or any NPC in Requiem, the perks?


I remember though I did make a final verdict and it was that if someone were to make a OBIS-Requiem patch it would have to be maintained by a Requiem user, bottom line. I don't know Requiem, Indigo doesn't either and he has an actual life so he can't dedicate the kind of time to maintain two large mods.

If you were to take the time to develop such a mod I could provide you with any and all kinds of help from the OBIS side but ultimately you would be the ultimate overseer of it.


I could even help you with TES5edit. Also bit of advice, don't go into this expecting help from other Requiem users. Assume you'll be the lone guy, just better that way I think.



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I recently made a manual patch for Deadly Mutilation and Requiem (Well, I followed a tutorial, but it taught me a lot about TES5Edit, since it involved a lot of copy/pasting and such in it)


I have recently fallen in love with requiem, but the one place it lacks a special luster is bandits. They are very meh, and since the world isn't scaled at all, and most bandits are low leveled, you can start over powering them pretty quick. How hard would it be to un-level the bandits added by OBIS?


and as far as perks go, I don't really pay that close of attention to that kind of thing, I do know requiem overhauls a lot of the perks so it's very possible that the perks do need to be edited to match it in fear of handicapping the bandits.


And I don't honestly expecting to much help with any mod making, mods are pretty much "Do it yourself, until you make it amazing then everyone suddenly wants to help" I've yet to make any mod amazing though apparently. lol


My own personal modding has been going slow, and I am looking for more experience, not to mention I like requiem, and a lot of other mods that are not compatible with requiem... yet. SO I just might be able to do it. I have never touched leveled lists before, and I am hoping I can avoid that though, the unleveled world is an important part of Requiem.

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With TES5edit cause you can do things in batches it won't take that long to unlevel them. You would have to remove the PC Level Mult flag from every NPC and just change the level to whatever you want it to be.


As for leveled list yeah you might have to touch those depending on how high the Requiem bandits can go, really though leveled lists aren't hard at all to understand and change.

In Requiem everything is unleveled? So at level 1 if you travel far enough you could bump into a level 50 bandit or something?


Like I said I would be willing to help you out but you'll do most of the heavy lifting though so if have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.

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yeah, requiem is totally unleveled, you can hit level 50 enemies at level 1 and level 1 enemies at level 50 lol They are well sorted though, most bandits are like 1~15 I think, most draugr are like 15~30, most dragons are like 30~50+ that kind of thing,(though those particular numbers could be very off lol its hard to tell what level enemy I'm up against sometimes) no random level 50 bandit mixed in with the level 1 bandits or anything silly like that though! XD


All I would really need from you would be, basically a list of what would be good levels for the different bandits and there clans to be. I imagine simply making certain groups tough, and certain groups week would be the quickest and easiest way to do it. (with the higher and lower skilled ones altered to be tougher and weaker appropriately) I don't know to much about OBIS, so I would hate to butcher the intended difference in strength. I do imagine there are certain clans intended to be much more threatening then others.


So far, this all sounds pretty doable (even if it will take me forever) especially with a bit of help pointing me in the right direction! ^_^

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It sounds like a wonderful idea to make an Obis-Requiem patch.

Perhaps asking Azirok how he usually does it when making requiem patches? I am sure he has a nice workflow and perhaps some good tips and ideas for helping you out.

I also have fallen head over heels in love with Requiem and do think that it needs more compabilitypatches for questmods and amazing stuff like OBIS. Would also love to see a patch for Moonpath and Populated cities.

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Does anyone have any idea how I stop the "you haven't saved in a while, would you like to save?" pop up on tes5edit? every time it pops up it freezes it up and I loss my work, and it never freezes otherwise... it's very very annoying to loss all my work because of a pop up asking me to save...


EDIT: alright, it stopped freezing itself up when doing that on it's own. :blink: weird glitch is weird. Anyways...


i think I almost have a WIP ready I need to test it in game, and then edit the value of the shields (I can't do that easily with tes5edit it seems)


I hope I didn't butcher the bandits to much, I tried to keep them as close to requiem bandits as possible, the varied abilities and skills they have should be in tact, and should make them a good bit more challenging then requiem bandits.

I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing, thus, I ALMOST have a WIP ready. lol basically what I did was unlevel all the bandits, and add over the requiem perks. I also edited a lot of the bandits to just being named 'bandit' instead of 'bandit outlaw archer' and stuff like that, to keep them in line with requiem's bandit naming system more, but I left all the ones with different/interesting/special names in tact.


From this point on, I'm going to need feedback from people who use OBIS on how well I handled the conversion, as almost everything is geared towards requiem's way of doing things. Since requiem is super picky about stuff, and one slightly off powered enemy can really throw off your game, I thought this best.


I'm gunna run some tests in game, track down some of those special shields and judge by the values I see in game compared to iron/steal shields on what those need to be edited too, as overpowered low leveled shields can be really broken in requiem, and if they are under powered the bandits will become a push over. lol

Edited by ArtMurder
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If you have the latest version of TES5edit right click anywhere in it and at the bottom of the context menu you'll see "Other >" and at the bottom of that context menu is "Options", click it. In the options that show up look at the right side and there's an option called "Auto Save", just remove the checkbox.


Awesome work ArtMurder! Good for you for taking the initiative!

I can't test it but if you need any other help, just let me know.


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If you have the latest version of TES5edit right click anywhere in it and at the bottom of the context menu you'll see "Other >" and at the bottom of that context menu is "Options", click it. In the options that show up look at the right side and there's an option called "Auto Save", just remove the checkbox.


Awesome work ArtMurder! Good for you for taking the initiative!

I can't test it but if you need any other help, just let me know.


oh, awesome, thanks! I'll check and make sure I have the newest version (probably don't, I downloaded it months ago) and give that a shot next time I'm messing with it. it really sucks to loss your data because it's asking you to save, haha!


And I noticed something a bit odd testing it in game, that a lot of the different groups of bandits, like butcher and such were together in the same area. i know some are allied, so is that normal? The new bandits did show up, and didn't seem to be noticeably harder or easier then other bandits to kill. I was using god mode, so I have no idea if the damage they were doing was realistic (because I tried testing without it and charging head on into bandits with requiem is suicide)


so far it looks like it's working though. Sadly, the steam black friday sell has just dumped several shiny new games in my lap, so I may not be able to get as much testing done this weekend as I had hoped, lol!

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