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Anti-Gravity Tesla Cannon (Black)


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Run into a little snag, fixed it sorta.


If you want this gun to instant kill and send them flying, I cannot do it naturally, it needs a killactor command otherwise it doesn't work.


It works fine now, but cos of this, you don't get any XP from the kill.

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But while making the mod, please for me make a black designed tesla cannon called Phsycics Feory. And make it so the electric thing in the middle is black, or not there at all. (Whichever is easiest) And make the beam you shoot out black. And if you can, make it so it takes no ammo. Or if it has too, make it so the ammo is black alien power cells that are called Fury Tubes.


Thanks ALOT. :) :P ;D :D :banana: :thumbsup: :thanks:

(Also at full condition and drains health)

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