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Dragons and Draugr


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After doing some companion quests and getting to the last companion quest, I slay a dragon and take its soul, but it doesn't open the item menu to be able to take the items it guards. Same thing happens with draugr, also, you can't pick and move them like you do with objects! Any advice or solution??? (I hope you don't tell me to start again because I'm quite advanced with the game!)

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Are you saying a nearby chest isnt opening? Or you cant open the dragon corpse inventory itself? (Also dragon corpses cant be dragged in vanilla Skyrim)


What mods do you have installed? Which version of Skyrim do you have installed?

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doesn't open the corpse inventory... Example: I knocked out Volsung to get his mask, doesn't open his inventory to get it!
same thing for vampires, draugr, skeletons and dragons T_T
I downgraded to version 1.5.97 I don't know why, but the Anniversary Edition doesn't hold some mods...
if I start a new game everything settles down, when I start the companions quest the problem starts again

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