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More powerful factions.


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Hey, theres a good chance something like this exists already, but ive looked and had no luck finding it. Im looking for a mod that will set heavily fortified bases (Enclave, BoS, Talon, Outcast, US, Chinese) around the wasteland. Not just the small buildings with 10 or so enemies whom you fight 1-2 at a time. I got this idea when I got the Enclave Commander mod (Best mod IMO, download it if you havent) and realized theres no place in the wasteland that you would need backup/airstrikes for, and at my level I can wipe out Paradise Falls, Evergreen Mills, The Outcast HQ, the Citadel, and any other area in the game easily. Anyways im getting off topic, basically what it would do is put large, fenced in camps with multiple buildings/tents with lets say 60+ of a factions soldiers (Plus scientists, engineers, anything else that would be in a faction) With many of them in front of the entrance. Maybe have occasional attacks between the Enclave/BoS or Talon/Rangers or Raiders or other rival factions. Well thats my idea, tell me what you think.
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If anyone cant get a picture of what im talking about, think of the camps in Operation Anchorage, A couple buildings, with many tents and maybe a landing pad or something. Just ALOT more populated then anything in the game so far. And maybe bigger and more spread out.
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"a lot more populated" would kill your CPU.

20 NPCs on screen = lag


If you really want there can be added more talons on Fort Bannister, Talon Combat Armor upgraded and make talon mercs match player level.


Unless you are using sneak/crit approach I can guarantee a couple of deaths.

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I'd go for FIOP, search for it on the main website :P I'm currently using FOOK, FWE, and MMM.


Quoting Tahadar, when I got to Fort Bannister, I got owned as hell, and I'm playing the game in normal dificulty. If you're not faint of heart I'd suggest you go try those mods! It is really a new kind of challenge :P


I had a portable infirmary when I ventured myself in fort bannister. If it wasen't for that I'd have to run to megaton with a really anoying head cripple


Oh wait... I don't even recall having cleaned up the fort D:

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im the sneak/crit character, and ive had a really easy time killing everyone without getting seen in fort bannister, and by "a lot more populated" i think he means to have more npcs but in separate areas, and npcs can also move.
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@twilightblade: sneak/crit is overpowered as hell.


You can kill almost any vanilla mob in 1-2 headshots + sneak crit + weapon bonus + perk bonus, not counting the damage from companions.


What you want can be done, is not even very hard. On the other hand, in a dungeon type area with a lot of small corners and baricades would be tough for a sneaker/critter to survive. Ofc, you can bring Fawkes with you as main tank and you will stay pretty much unharmed, but that would spoil all the fun, right?


I'm using MMM + Badass SM + Max lev. 100 and I modified all the mobs to match player level (on normal difficulty). On hard diff. companions have the same HP boost as mobs so is no funny anymore. I also upped the enclave / talons and raider armors and weapons at 75%+ cond. I can say now I really "feel" the danger of Wasteland. Boooo :)



@Aellith: there is a tin shack not far from fort with a bunk bed in there...

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"a lot more populated" would kill your CPU.

20 NPCs on screen = lag


If you really want there can be added more talons on Fort Bannister, Talon Combat Armor upgraded and make talon mercs match player level.


Unless you are using sneak/crit approach I can guarantee a couple of deaths.



I use Enclave Commander with I sometimes 30+ people, In combat, against all the people in megaton (havent tried to go higher), and i run the game on ultra high quality. And the couple of deaths sounds like a refreshing change from what im used to at level 20 with many many guns and a crap load of ammo.

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@twilightblade: sneak/crit is overpowered as hell.


You can kill almost any vanilla mob in 1-2 headshots + sneak crit + weapon bonus + perk bonus, not counting the damage from companions.


What you want can be done, is not even very hard. On the other hand, in a dungeon type area with a lot of small corners and baricades would be tough for a sneaker/critter to survive. Ofc, you can bring Fawkes with you as main tank and you will stay pretty much unharmed, but that would spoil all the fun, right?


I'm using MMM + Badass SM + Max lev. 100 and I modified all the mobs to match player level (on normal difficulty). On hard diff. companions have the same HP boost as mobs so is no funny anymore. I also upped the enclave / talons and raider armors and weapons at 75%+ cond. I can say now I really "feel" the danger of Wasteland. Boooo :)



@Aellith: there is a tin shack not far from fort with a bunk bed in there...



I agree, thats one of the reasons I think this is a great idea for a mod, its much more realistic then many of the threads on this forum, and it would add a pretty decent amount of fun to the game. And im not a sneaker/critter, never have been on my 3 plays through the game. Just not my style, an AK-47 (FOOK FTMFW) is alot funner :smile:

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