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I had to re-read my post after reading your post to come to a realization how most people aren't as pathetically attached or serious about video games as I am. It had also occurred to me just now that you must think of me as either a nice person who just wants to help or some weirdo with some kind of hidden agenda. Well I won't deny that I'm weird, but I guess I take games too seriously. In light of that please disregard my last post, it sounds like everything is fine now and hope you enjoy Fallout more this time around.



Happy gaming!



Anchorage should be bellow Fallout3.esm - and you seem to be missing DCinteriors.esm. The combo edition is the one I have which adds 100 or so building interiors. It might be either you packaged it incorrectly, or you downloaded a Lite version. But it's likely you need the DCinteriors.esm.



If you still need help, I am still hanging foul.

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surg, I think you are a nice person who wants to help. I think I am more inclined to 'hang loose' on games than perhaps you are is all, so I don't take them as seriously as you - but it is nice when everything runs smoothly. Have to say Fallout mods require more work than some of my other games - and most are modded - but that is where YOU come in. Without your guidance I would not have got them on properly. I wanted to do it all your way, and I am sorry if I ran ahead and loaded before you got there. I must have misunderstood as you were talking about mods you recommended I should try and I thought you were urging me to get on, so I did ( answer 92).


I will take DC Interiors off and put it on again - and Iron-sights, as I did not expand the data folder - it has never been clear to me how one properly puts a data folder from a mod into the games folder named data - what happens to it?


please accept a ((((hug)))) - I can do that at my age!


ps it turns out I only downloaded DC Interiors mini bunker at George Town ( doh). I shall go back and get the main package - and WAIT for you to tell me what to do with it ( in the nicest possible way).

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ah, I realise now why I downloaded the wrong version of DCI; all the ones above the GT version in the list require all 5 DLC, and I do not have Zeta. I downloaded the GT version because that did not say it required all DLC, and I did not realise then that the GT stands for George Town.


It looks as if I will have to give this one a miss surg


Shall I re-install iron-sights? Gun-oil is in pip-boy. Until I get me mitts on a decent gun I can't check about sights can I.


are we done then?

Don't want you to go away feeling bad...

I shall change the load order as you advised next.

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DCinteriors combo edition - 3rd option down the page, doesn't require any DLC. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5573/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D5573&pUp=1


With RH - If the folder you loaded in FOMM was named "Data" you don't need to expand as this follows the structure and will go directly into the Fallout/Data folder automatically. You also have the gun oil and it should be quite apparent if the mod is working when you try using the sights on a weapon. (Don't forget to adjust RH to your tastes with the Gun oil. I suggest reducing the weapon sway quite a bit.)


And wow you downloaded MMM! All my nagging paid off in the end hehe. If you decide to install it, you don't need to create your own package, just load the downloaded archive directly and create the FOMOD. Though check the option "Natural selection" and "Zones respawn" when installing.



When you next play, could you do me a favor and try crafting some 30-06 Springfield rounds at the workbench (providing you have the Ammunition Engineer perk) I have always had trouble crafting that ammo, and I'm not sure if the problem is isolated to just me.



OH SHIZZ! I made a booboo! I didn't even see there was an update for MMM 6.1 - 6.2, I'll leave that up to you whether you want to add that separately or create your own package with the update. I'm blind!

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I have already downloaded the MMM update 6.2 ( she says smugly), but quite what I do with it, and when is still in the hazy-ness of future implementation


Oh, right, will go back for that version of DCI. Ta :smile:


In Mini-Hideout there is a secret chamber which, once you get through the force-field, leads you to a posh rifle with a sight. I borrowed that for the purpose of testing iron-sights, and when I aim it I get a clear circle with a red dot in, and it is a zoomed view. Luvly - is that Iron-sight or does it come with the rifle? Can't recall what it is called H-something.... will make a note when next in game.


I do not have any perks - unless you count the medicine bobblehead garnered from the shed. I am just beginning, and it will take me a while to get anything - if I survive at all. I reckon you are like the fellas in X-Universe - somehow they are millionaires with factories and big ships within a few hours of playing. I crawl up the curve of advancement at a snails pace....


yes, I put the Data folder of RH in without expanding it, but other mods I have put the individual modules in as they appear in the folder I unzipped them to. So, that OK then. Good.



PS, am downloading the DCI file indicated in your link - the combo one - that right? Nearly did it wrong again...ditzy

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If you want MMM and have the two archives, just do what we did for FWE - Make your own package extract all content from the main and then overwrite with update content and FOMOD away.



The "Posh" rifle is not a part of FWE-Vanilla-DLC so it's not supported by RH unless you find a compatibility patch. Plus it has a scope, so RH won't alter anything. The only thing RH might do for a scoped weapon is alternative scope designs.


Speaking of which, weapons that are not affiliated with FWE will not have stat adjustments for the combat rebalance. So, unless it's a "cheaty" weapon it could have really weak damage vs FWE enemies. As you probably noticed weapons do much more damage now. Something you should consider.


(not sure if its a bug, but there is a shotgun that does 2100+ dmg!?!? - bit of a game-breaker, and watch out if it's pointing at you.)


Oh, by the way you can change how often you get Perks in the FWE module, maybe you want a Perk every level. This might be a good idea if you are using the slowest XP setting as levels will come very slowly, and even more slowly if you are using Arwen reducedXPR.



2:00am here atm, *yawn* will catch ya next time. :)

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OK night-night. Down in dumps here as cooker NOT mended - and Christmas is looming, and Himself is tearing what little hair he has left out because he cannot download some software for his phone - and somehow I always get to feel it's MY fault! Hmph.


Will try installing MMM tomorrow, hopefully will feel perkier then, today has not been a good day... :confused:

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