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Oh yeah I see it, Fort independence. Unsure which faction owns that joint. I have never affiliated myself with outcasts or brotherhood folk or even got that far into the quest line. The only time I see them is out in the wastes, all I know of them is they wear the Power armor stuff and are pretty lethal.



The military guy at Tennpenny has a decent inventory of ammo and between him, Tulip and Flak I don't ever have a problem unloading goods. I do however always stockpile my stuff for a few days because stuff doesn't sell for much and I'm a bit of a hoarder. :)

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I haven't tried getting into Tenpenny yet, nor the otherplace all the traders come through - Cantebury Common is it? I am not doing quests yet either, since I keep restarting new games to accommodate new mods. Just stumbled upon the fort again while following some traders. At present I am holed up in my hidey-hole wondering if I dare poke me nose out the door with all these new monsters around - I'm not as brave as you!



bit later... hmmm, I think I will disable MMM for now - I do see some benefits ( and boars meat is deelish), but until I am better equipped I would feel more comfy with less livestock comin at me. I now have the rotting carcass of a boar next to my hidey-hole. Tried to drag him away using Z but only shifted him a couple of steps.. more human aggressors too, and nasty wiv it. Is that to do with MMM or FWE I wonder.


I have put 'gore no more' on again. Yet to see if it clashes with any of the configurations in FWE.

Edited by pawzseven
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The first time I looted a Boar I jumped in my seat when it's head exploded, that was before I knew that when you harvest a body part it is destroyed for real. There is a slight problem with the Boars, their hit-box is actually too small and the only way to guarantee a hit is to shoot in head-on.The Floaters also have a similar problem, I have disabled those guys in the Pip-boy menu. Most other creatures don't have this problem.



There are some really nasty creatures out there, the Albino rad-scorp is not to be trifled with ,but watching them contest with the Yau gui and other mutants is always fun to watch. I can't blame you for disabling it this early on, it does make fo3 pretty damn hostile.



I noticed FWE already does reduce gore by default and has an option to reduce it further, though have never switched it from its default setting.



Have you thought about making a trip to the Museum of history to pick up LR ? Good little snipey weapon.



Just a note about RH - Sometimes the sights go off a little, if you notice this just open your Pip-boy and close it again and it will reset the sights.



Recently I've had to leave Brisa at home because her sneak skill isn't nearly high enough to maintain stealth. I think she will just be my shopping companion, at least until I level up her sneak.

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happily for me, with the boar, it WAS coming straight at me head-on - but it took three shots from my piddly little gun before he went down at my feet -whew! I had only just climbed out from the trapdoor and didn't know where to look when I heard these huffing sounds..


yes, I had fiddled with the gore settings in FWE, but when I saw blood bursting out of decapitated corpses ( I didn't know about the harvesting destroying it - but it also happened to me when the raiders got me- yuk!) I thought I ought to bring in an outside mod. Anyway, I can live with that if it keeps happening - I just won't look.

I did not know you could get a tame yagi ( can't spell Yau-gui) in the game - I want one! Keep the savage dogs away.


Remind me where the museum of History is... in DC I bet, where the super-mutants live in underground tunnels near the memorial. I shall need to be better armed before I try that - but I will get there, eventually. Thanks. Yet to make it to RC, but then I am on my fourth restart because of adding big mods. Still got to get DCI and RTS installed, but likely not today. Maybe tonight if the day goes well.

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I will never understand what it is about gore in video games that turns people off, It has never really entered my mind, maybe I've played so much that I'm desensitized to it. Exploding boar heads right next to my face is a different story, was not expecting that wooooh!


You must have seen the roaming scavenger with the pet Yau gui right ? - I has the same thought when I first seen them together, that prompted me to get that Animal Whisperer mod, though it requires perks, and I really needed to max out my Ammo Engineer perks first, so the whispering will have to wait, maybe indefinitely. (rank 3 perk for Yau gui).



The Museum is right next to the Washington monument - that radio tower you go to for the GNR quest.



I didn't think you liked RTS ? I had to uninstall it as it was rather buggy and I ran out of caps, but now I'm saving for a set of stealth armor - 16,000 caps ouch!

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ah, I didn't mean RTS; the textures and mesh one...Full NMC's. Need to download again as some of the files were 'broken'.

Yes it was the roaming scavenger lady. I quite like the idea of animal whispering ( does it apply to deathclaws I wonder?). I shall look out for that one later.


If you get stealth armour the game will be too easy for you won't it? No challenge if you can walk right up and blast 'em...

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Supposedly you can put mind control helmets on Deathclaws with a mod, sounds a bit silly to me. The stealth armor is a mod armor which is simply put in a container in LOB, but I edited it so Tulip sells it. The whole set is roughly 21,000 caps and has similar stats to armor found on many enemies. It has a stealth field built in but that's not the reason I want it, it just looks amazing.


It's always good to have something to look forward to. And no, you can't walk right up with FWE stealth system they will still see you if you are too close or moving - stealth field or not. It might also depend on difficulty settings. Put it on very hard and test it hehe.

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gosh, glad I don't have to come against you in the wastelands, wouldn't last long would I!


Don't quite know what to do when I go back in. Don't want to start quests yet, would rather wander around the map finding locations - ahh, didn't you mention a mod that extends the map area? might look at that, although don't feel I can travel to anywhere else until better equipped.


Who is Tulip?

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well, now have NMC mod on, and can see some textural differences, some I like, some not so keen on. This has given me an idea. I think I would like to deactivate ( not uninstall) all the major mods - FWE,NMC, MMM - which is currently deactivated anyway - and just play mostly vanilla for a bit with just a few small mods in play that don't change the environment, sort of nice and gentle (if such descriptives can be applied to Fallout3), and THEN, when I have the measure of that world as it is, to reintroduce the other mods, one at a time, getting to know each one better before adding another, so I really see the difference each one makes. Does that sound boring and silly?


Hopefully, by the time I am ready to try MMM again, I would be several levels up and better able to cope with it......


I have been up on Nexus Mods and see quite a few that I would like to try at some time. Thanks to you surg, I feel I have the confidence to put mods on PROPERLY now, and can afford to experiment now and then - but first... start with the basics.


PS, I saw one mode called Hardcore ( or something like). Definitely one for surg-like beings I reckon.

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What ever makes you happy, only have to please yourself. I'de get more enjoyment sticking a fork in the power-point than playing vanilla, but that's just me.


If you're after new/expanded area's search the category (new lands) on the nexus. Alton IL was the mod was the one I suggested before.



I would check out that Hardcore mod, but it wouldn't work with FWE - if there is no FWE - there is no point in playing.

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