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I think I prefer FOMM - it is more like the mod manager I use in Silent Hunter games. I will do RTS as a FOMOD as you describe. Not been on Nexus today. Have installed the expansion packs though, and tidied up some files. Now if this was Oblivion I could get about by HORSE - much more 'me' than a motor-bike! Well, going off for a little play-time now. Built your castle yet? :D

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Well it seemed like this mod was too good to be true, and it was. I have no idea what happened, but suddenly my game would just start staggering/freezing like crazy and it will actually crash if i fast travel or try entering a new cell.



Things were going perfect for some time as I built quite a few things. Sadly this is as far as I got.




You have no idea how pain-staking it is to lay the concrete slabs, oh man!





I am so sad now, but hopefully I might be able to dig up some info on the nexus.

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oohh - it looks good and solid too. Some wrinkle you have to figure out. Don't give up!

I also had a glitch with the mini-hideout; everything freezes when I turn the radio on. Did it twice. Humph.

I have decided I must take everything I want to keep out of storage and put it in Cmdr Darwins house, and then remove the current mini hideout mod and put the original in instead. Everything worked in that, and when the organiser stowed all your stuff in that version, it went where you would expect, but this version takes yer grub and it disappears as there is no fridge now. Grumble grumble. Starving I am... anyway, had enough of that for tonight so am now chasing a convoy in Silent Hunter 3 to see if I can nobble another one before I head for home

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Yeah, FO3 is notorious for that Radio bug, thankfully I don't have any issue these days, but from memory it had something to do with Audio codecs. You should have no trouble finding information on it. Hopefully it's just an isolated problem with the mod itself.


Well just an update on RTS, I seem to have it working smoothly again. Apparently it was the companion core bugging out, my miner guy apparently had some small talk for me and was possibly stuck in some dialogue loop, I must have left the mine too early or something. I had to remove him from my faction which is some sort of a companion debug mode. Here's to hoping that doesn't happen again.


I never could get into Silent Hunter, I bought it a long time ago after watching a Jeff Major video. I have been meaning to give it another shot one day, and when I do, you can teach me a trick or two.

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hee, Silent Hunter - like X-series, is a game for those who don't mind 'slow' - that's me folks! I would have thought it would bore the socks off a go-getter like you seem to be. The attraction - for me - is outwitting the escorts rather than sinking ships. Being able to sneak away from four or five of them searching and depth-charging for you is very satisfying, but it can take hours and you need patience. Right now, in SH3, I have stopped the boat and am trying to rest my crew 40 fathoms down so I can get some more torps loaded in the forward bays ready for the next target. Happily the time-compression can be employed, but it still takes a while before they are all able to work again, so ya just gotta be patient! If you do go for it DON'T GET SH5. It is broken and no amount of modding can make it the game it ought to be. Lovely graphics but otherwise ... :down:

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Awesome. Thanks for the info on that. I don't even know what version I have, mine is called Slent Hunter - Wolves of the pacific - I hope that's not 5 lol.



Well I just added a diner to my village, it sits on top of my fort like structure, looks kinda weird there but maybe some tables and chairs can change that.

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that is SH4 - you get to be an American in that one. You get into action sooner if you opt to join the Asian fleet working out of Manila rather than Pearl Harbor, but get the P class boat as the torps on the junior one require you to get closer to the enemy before you can use them, and usually the escorts are onto you before you can get close enough ( that has been my experience anyway). Manual torpedo solutions are more satisfying, but to begin with, it might be best to let the game do the working out for you, until you are settled in.


You would be best advised to get the Gold version, which is updated to 1.5 and has the U-boat Missions then you can use the mega-mods .

See http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/forumdisplay.php?f=202 for the SH4 forum, the folk are very pleased to help.


well done with the fort

I have done enough killing for today, off to beddy-byes now to do a word-puzzle thingy before I hit the sack. :)

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Hey, Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I felt sick last night and just passed out and slept for 12 hours.



You sure sound like you know what you're doing in a Sub. Thanks much for the tips. I'll have to leave it until I get Fallout out of my blood. You know sometimes you just fire up an old game and it becomes a drug all over again.



But geez, designing villages is much harder than I thought. I am only level 12 and haven't even spoken to Doctor Li about dad, god knows what I've been doing for 120+ hours on this character. So without locations explored I haven't got access to many possible blueprints and with the way RTS works, a lot of things need to be built systematically.


It turns out there is a much easier way to do flooring, once you have a Miner, you get access to pre-made blueprints that allow you to make stone floor and other stuff made from stone. The materials themselves are quite expensive and I have almost run out of my life savings buying it from merchants.



Here is my latest work on the farm.





The Diner.





The workforce.





An angry green guy. Took me almost 10 minutes to kill him lol.





How are you going with RTS, I want to see what cool stuff you have built. :)

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wow! it's huge. I imagined you were just after a personal home - with windows - and here you are building a small town. Yup, understand what you mean about getting a game out of the system. Get absorbed in something and you want to stay with it, and then the day comes when you want to try something else. I only came back to F3 because something Beloved said reminded me of the eyebot, and how I used to enjoy using it for target practice....

haven't even begun RTS yet, and if/when I do it is not going to be anything big or with companions and wotnot - but I will give it a go if it isn't too difficult to get into. What IS that big green thing? DeathClaws were the ones I most worried about in F3 - but then there is something you can gain in the plot-line which gives you some way of controlling them, that right? So long ago I can't remember now...

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oh! whaddoidonow? I loaded RTS and started up the game, collected some stuff out of the mini hideout so I don't lose it when I change the mod, then I went up to Cmdr Darwins house to park the items in a safe place. I then went back out into the wasteland and am suddenly confronted with a Brahmin - I thought it was a wild one coming to get me, but no, it was quite placid and just stood there hoping for a wisp of hay. Then all these messages popped up which I wasn't sure what to do with, but clearly relating to RTS, and then I see a young woman having a puff, with her back to me so thought she must be the master of the beast - more messages and I think I said yes to them, and now she is standing in the hallway at Cmdr Darwins, and not following me into the living room. I think I can send her away - but what am I supposed to do with her, and the cow - is that my stuff it is carrying?

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