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Well, I THINK I did everything you suggested; ini's, 4GB patch ( nothing went bang), Validation thing, cancel autosaves - and the game still runs OK (!). Thank you Surg.


There are a couple of things I need to check out, but not urgent. For instance, pressing 'C' doesn't do anything ( can't remember now what it is supposed to do mind). Can't access the bullet slow-down thing in FWE, nor the stealth gizmo - perhaps I haven't earned that yet. Don't got no gun-oil in pip-boy, though I saw a mod for that on Nexus, and... what was the other thing.....? Forgotten.


Pretty-please though, can you point me to the mod that gives you blue skies and sunshine? Unremitting grey skies in my game.


I just got killed while looking for the Outcasts base - thought I would leave Super-Duper and the GrayTown quests until I am better equipped. Thought that if I throw in my lot with the big boys they might be nice to me and give me some better kit. If not I shall just follow them around until one gets killed ( if ever they do, that is) and steal his....

Edited by pawzseven
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Hmm, if you don't have the "Bullettime device" or "Gun oil" in your Pip-boy, the mod didn't install properly. Use the mod description as a check list.



  • Greatly increased the global damage multiplier for damage taken and dealt (configurable)
  • Significantly lessened the effect of auto-aim
  • Adjusted the weapon spread (accuracy formula) for better gameplay (configurable)
  • Unarmed skill provides a "dodge" bonus when wearing lighter armors
  • Implemented body-part location based damage specific to each NPC/creature type
  • Reduced limb explosion + dismemberment rates
  • VATS balancing, including increased player damage and adjusted hit %
  • Optional VATS real-time and half-time modules
  • Movement speed increased
  • Backwards movement speed dependent on agility
  • Integrated Bullet time feature that consumes AP's (configurable)
  • Integrated Sprinting feature that uses AP's (configurable)
  • Adjusted Action Point pool size and recharge rates (configurable))
  • Built-in FPS-style grenade hotkey mod (configurable)
  • More realistic falling damage (configurable)
  • Greatly increased velocity and range of projectiles


Bullettime module is in the Misc section of your Pip-boy.


Gun oil module is in the Aid section of your Pip-boy.


You can set Hotkeys for Sprint/Bullettime/Stealth field in the FWE control module.



The graphical enhancement mod is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/2672/?

(note that it's not always blue skies and sunshine)


Here is another one I use along with Fellout: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/16875/?

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Should I uninstall and reinstall FWE using FOMM then? I will do that tomorrow evening.

This is where I came in on this thread! I assume I put everything into Data, zat right? And say 'yes' to any merges.


I am getting on reasonably well, despite not being able to see some of the Outcast soldiers and my Sten. Made it to the Outcast Base and am now destined to get killed in their simulator, oh joy.


Creeped out enough for tonight, was tiptoeing through a deserted house and when I stopped there were little rustles and taps behind me like someone was close behind......bbbrrrr.


I have got the FWE control menu on pip-boy. Some of it anyway. I will put the mod on again. If necessary I will clear all the mods and start again, but first I will try re-installing FWE


Ooh, blue sky mod - thank you surg. Don't mind if not always blue sky. but nice to see sometimes. Night-night.

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Hey, yeah I think starting from scratch and doing everything by-the-book is the way to go, starting by getting rid of NMM and using only FOMM. Also as described earlier make everything into a FOMOD. I would advise against dumping raw data into your Fallout directory, that's a good way to make a mess of things.


Though do be warned packaging all your mods into FOMOD's will take some time, but I can help you through it.



Just start out with core mods like FWE - RH Iron sights - Texture packs - Graphical enhancements - Don't add anything else until you have the core mods running perfectly.


If it all possible, could you stay on for a bit longer next time so we can have some interaction for the above process. Or I could simply stay up later.



Now that I think about it, you might even want to reinstall Fallout 3 - If you have loads a miscellaneous files dumped in there it's going to make the process a lot harder and might even cause problems. Or I guess it might be possible just to manually delete the sub-directories if you know what you're doing.

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Well in the meantime, I will regale you on my latest adventures in the wasteland. :smile:




Something big looms in the distance.





Big red angry tough guy.





Big red dead tough guy.





So that's what happened to my car door.





An invader!





Discussing where to hide the body.





Brisa making friends with a Corpse fly.





Trouble at the Museum.





We just wanted to go Shopping!



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The adventure continues.




I'll give you 20 caps if you can shoot him in the bum.










Ok, I'll punch them in the nuts and you go for the cash register.





Just getting a quick tan.





Now don't go spending all this on Jet like last time!










We're not leaving until the Fireworks are over.




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oo-er! monsters

oo-er! ladies with almost nothing on!

looks like you are having fun :)


Did I see somewhere that in FWE you can toggle what sorts of critturs are coming at you? Maybe that was MMM.

I want to get rid of feral ghosts and the like if I can - they kinda spoil the immersion for me. Mutants I could expect after apocalypse, but the living dead? Nah. YUK.


The time I get on here the longest is after 7.00 in the evening - which is probably normal snooze-time in your bit of the world. :(


I am perfectly happy to reinstall again, and report to you so you know I am doing it right. I have to put an upgrade patch on don't I, and kill LIVE before the game will run, and then I can start on the mods. Holding my hand is going to rob you of play-time though I fear. Are you happy with that prospect?

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Hehe, Oh yes, Brisa and I went on a big shopping spree, some people were killed along the way. :tongue:



Yep, that option was in MMM. By feral ghosts do you mean feral ghouls ? - I don't think I've ever seen a ghost in this game. At this point I think we should concentrate on getting your game running well, then we could look into removing things.



It might be best if you do reinstall, that way we know exactly what files you have in your install directory, and keep it nice and clean. Though I can't even remember how I got rid of live in the first place it was so long ago. I have the steam goty edition, and my live is disabled, and funnily enough it doesn't even need steam running anymore lol.


By all means, lets get the ball rolling.



Well, I still can't recall my install procedure, or at least the Live part, but I found this snippet in a guide:


use this Games for Windows Live Disabler Mod to disable Games for Windows Live.

Important Update: If you have a problem launching Fallout 3 after installation, and receive an error message along the lines of "the ordinal 5359 could not be located", this is related to Games for Windows Live. To resolve this issue, you must disable Games for Windows Live, particularly as it is a service that is no longer being offered by Microsoft. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Go to your \Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 3 directory.
2. Copy the Medium.ini file, and paste it into your \Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Fallout3 directory.
3. Rename this newly copied Medium.ini file to Fallout.ini.
4. Run the Games for Windows Live Disabler Mod, as linked further above.
5. Launch Fallout 3, and it should start as normal now given Games for Windows Live has been disabled.



Oh sorry, yeah the game needs to be patched to 1.7 http://www.gamefront.com/fallout-3-v-17-patches/



FOSE 1.2: http://fose.silverlock.org/



FOMM - (select the new version FO3 + NV) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/640/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D640&pUp=1



Archibeinvalidation: http://www.nexusmods...out3/mods/944/?



Stutter-remover: http://www.nexusmods...ut3/mods/8886/?



.Ini edit:



(Open up the fallout.ini file in: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Find the line:


change it to:


Add another line after it and insert:


This will limit the game to 2 cores and prevent the engine bug from causing the game to freeze.


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OK surg, I will uninstall F3, reinstall, patch and disable Live and check that the vanilla is running OK ( thinks, will have to go through that boring routine in Vault 101 again 'sigh...').

When I have done that , plus the other things mentioned here, and also 4GB patch, I will report back for the next bit.


Yes I did mean ghouls -which are a sort of ghost I s'pose - part of the 'undead'. Apologies, I often get words wrong, always it has been so, and appears to be getting more so with age ( another sigh)..

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