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FlyingHigh's Toolboks mods.


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Going to use this thread as a repository of sorts for the various Toolboks mods I make, as I attempt to migrate the various changes I make, both for myself and others, into user-friendly custom mods for Toolboks, that can be installed, uninstalled, and even edited, without much work on the average user's part. To use these, you'll need X-COM Toolboks, by Bokauk. (http://xcom.nexusmods.com/mods/79/)


Please consider these mods free to modify and redistribute as you please. All I ask is that you mention not only myself, but anyone I also mention in each mod, in the description, if you do redistribute something that branches from what I've done.
I can confirm that the abduction mod works, and Anbar provided a lovely screenshot of the Zhang mod in action:
If you have suggestions or requests, feel free to PM me with them, and I'll see what I can do.
Alternative link for the mods, in case Nexus servers get a bit weird:
Edit: Updated mods for EW Patch 1. Just had to adjust the offsets a bit, to reflect the changes in the UPKs from the patch. Both the attachment to this post, and the Mediafire mirror, have the updated versions.
Edited by FlyingHigh10000000
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i tried to load this mod :Ballistic vs. plasma and it didn't work. Likely something i did wrong. extracted both your zip file and the toolbok onto my desktop in separate folders. I added the text file to the customer mod directory and loaded and installed the mod (while selecting back up). i check the directory where my game is installed and it matches the modding program. I also tried it by cutting and paste the code directly into the sample file in custom mods and that did not work...


let me know if you have any guidance/suggestions...

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i tried to load this mod :Ballistic vs. plasma and it didn't work. Likely something i did wrong. extracted both your zip file and the toolbok onto my desktop in separate folders. I added the text file to the customer mod directory and loaded and installed the mod (while selecting back up). i check the directory where my game is installed and it matches the modding program. I also tried it by cutting and paste the code directly into the sample file in custom mods and that did not work...


let me know if you have any guidance/suggestions...


Alright, pretty sure I know what the deal is here, actually. What I'd like to know though, is, if you check in the "backups" folder in the Toolboks folder, is DefaultGameCore.ini present in the backup created when you attempted the install?



Edit: Did a bit more looking into it, it seems like Toolboks may not be editing the correct .ini, as it's backing up only the old EU .exe, and not the Enemy Within one, meaning it's not even touching it. Confirmed it by looking, and seeing that the Enemy Within .exe hasn't been modified in quite a while. I'll keep working on that, sorry about the trouble.

Edited by FlyingHigh10000000
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Defaultgamecore.ini is not in the backup created in the Toolboks folder. I would agree with the diagnosis as the XEW folder in which you originally mentioned the new EW .ini file would be located -that date on that file has not changed or updated.


Out of curiosity i went in toe the defaultgamecore.ini in the XEW/config folder and changed the damage values for ballistic weapons and saved the file in location, leaving everything else as is. Interestingly enough that did not work either....


Sorry if i brought you down a rat hole...really appreciate the help.

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Not at all surprising, without the proper exe changes the ini does nothing, Toolboks does them automatically. I also suspect you are probably using the EU toolboks (1_5_2 and earlier), rather than the EW one (1_6_0).


No, I'm actually using the latest version. Toolboks appears to not change the .ini file for EW yet, though. Seems others had the same problem.

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