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Some additional animals, or changes to animals...


A moose/elk/reindeer, basically a big version of the deer but with antlers


bees, a nest with a swarm of bees, needs fire to kill the swarm, immune to blades etc.




the birds! dive-bombing birds that will attack the player if he/she comes near a nest etc.






sand-trap spiders, watch where you walk?

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There are lots of mods that add new creatures. Just do a tab search for 'Creatures'. Although as far I know there aren't any of the creatures you're asking about. Also, deer already have horns, just not the females.


P.S. Kudos for my 900th post.

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Hoping for some bright modders to make these available in a mod, as an add-on for some other pack or even just out to the community for others to include.


I have some ideas for mods/add-ons but not the skills for 3d modelling or scripting (yet).


The buck is for a "winter landscape" idea and the other are fillers for the stock world. What's a swamp without aligators? or even the various sewers?


I've seen a swarm of bees as part of another mod but not sure how to go about replicating it without copying it from the author.

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I've said it in a few other places, but I'm hoping for pack-mules one day. Then I can make up travelling merchants, fallout 3 style.


You could do it with horses, but it seems a waste of a horse - which appears to be a rare and expensive thing - to have the knick-knack merchant riding a charger.

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Any link available to a mod/resources used by Waalx? The nexus just seems to have swords.


As for pack-mules, I have seen a pack animal mod something starting with CDM...... I'm sure of a pack dog/wolf and probably another horse or unicorn

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