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Red Dead Redemption 2 Invisible NPC/Arthur


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Hello, I have several mods for Red Dead Redemption 2, and I can't figure out why Arthur/NPC's are turning invisible when entering any buildings in Rhodes. Here's my list of mods.


WhyEm's DLC: Red Dead Offline Edition

Red Dead Offline

Crime and Law Rebalance

Ped Damage Overhaul Extended Features

SgtJoe's Bank Robbery


Better All Horses

Dismember Everyone

Gold Medals

Perfect Pelts - Perfect Damage


Lenny Simple Trainer

Rampage Trainer

Unlimited Horse Whistle Distance


I have all the requirements for the mods, so I don't know why this happens only in Rhodes. I've even disabled/deleted Sgt. Joe's Bank rob mod, but it didn't fix it.


If anyone could help I'd appreciate it, I have a save right before going to Rhodes so luckily I'm okay there, but I can't progress.

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  • 2 years later...

I have the same issue in Rhodes and it's being caused by SGJ Bank robbery. I noticed it after this mod and apparently it causes issues to your saves so just deleting the mod wont fix anything. you'll have to modify your save files which is quite risky so a fresh game save might not have any corrupt files and fix ( have not tried it out yet )this issue meaning the bug is existing in your saves which is pretty bad.  I also want to keep my save progress but i cant help you there im not an expert. Also at some point the mod made the whole bank in Rhodes empty and broken .

Edited by GoldenEagle003
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