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Red Dead Redemption 2 Invisible NPC/Arthur


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Hello, I have several mods for Red Dead Redemption 2, and I can't figure out why Arthur/NPC's are turning invisible when entering any buildings in Rhodes. Here's my list of mods.


WhyEm's DLC: Red Dead Offline Edition

Red Dead Offline

Crime and Law Rebalance

Ped Damage Overhaul Extended Features

SgtJoe's Bank Robbery


Better All Horses

Dismember Everyone

Gold Medals

Perfect Pelts - Perfect Damage


Lenny Simple Trainer

Rampage Trainer

Unlimited Horse Whistle Distance


I have all the requirements for the mods, so I don't know why this happens only in Rhodes. I've even disabled/deleted Sgt. Joe's Bank rob mod, but it didn't fix it.


If anyone could help I'd appreciate it, I have a save right before going to Rhodes so luckily I'm okay there, but I can't progress.

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