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everyone out to get you


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no matter what you do in any of the quests or guilds it's more than likely that you have made a numer of enemies. the game reflects this but only through boring and unchallenging encounters that all play out more or less the same, i.e. npcs attacking you and carrying a note.


some ways in which this mechanic could be made more interesting...


-more triggers: e.g. doing a certain number of daedric quests, or the artifacts in public (guard comments), might alert the vigilants of stendarr


-specific triggers for the dark brotherhood/thalmor encounters; if they fail the first time, they might resort to...


-more creative methods: every food item you buy has a small chance of being poisoned, traps or runes might be planted in inn rooms or even your house, etc


-if you're in jail, you might get attacked there



-once your bounty gets high enough, the authorities will actively try and find you

-a posse of guards or mercenaries might show up any time you're in the hold in question

-every time you interact with an npc in that hold, the chance increases that you will be ambushed by guards the next time you enter a cell

-if you're in another hold, you can be arrested and extradited to the one in which you have a bounty -- unless you're a thane or the holds are on opposite sides of the war.


everything will eventually build up, so just going about your business becomes a mortal danger

Edited by axfvh
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