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Is there any shotgun with ultra fast firing rates?


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I've managed to accumulate a huge amount of shotgun ammo because i never use the stuff, and i was wondering if there was a mod with a shotgun that chewed through ammo like a minigun?


If not, can some either make one or point me to a how-to and i'll make one ? I don't really care too much about appearance, i just want that functionality :)

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theres a tommy gun in the classic weapons mod, but if you want to do it yourself, then fire up the GECK, load the fallout3.esm, wait..., right click on the 'weapcombatshotgun' or 'weapshotguncombat' then click edit, change the ID name, check the automatic box on the right side of the tab, change firing rate, place in game, then enjoy! it may sound hard, but its easy as pie(mmm... pie...^^)
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The Shotgun Minigun... MWUAHAHAHAHHAHAHHH hahah.... >_>



No... Seriously, that's ownage :P Follow twilight's hints and give it yourself a try, and then have fun with you newly created mod :P

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Aellyth didn't Shadow Warrior have revolving shotgun with drum magazine? As for OP question, the weapon he is looking for is either HK CAWS or Pancor Jackhammer


"a shotgun that chewed through ammo like a minigun?" Afaik, the two weapons you mentioned do not have such high firing rates D:

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