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Devil May Cry 5

Dynamic Music Framework for consideration.


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i had this idea that i dont truly know how would work even if finalized.

But simply would it be possible to have a framework be used where modders and users could edit what plays for C-SSS rankings for dynamic music?

basically a mod that lets you customize your own personal dynamic music rank set. potentially merging riffs and vocals from different themes and potentially modded songs.

Say if you like how rank A- crimson cloud plays into S-subhuman OR how C- Devil trigger plays into B- Bury the light maybe even letting you arrange just one theme in your own way.

say maybe you want to change how S-SS-SSS play. with bury the light, you could change it from S-SS-SS to SSS-S-SS if you wanted to.

i think it would be a cool addition not only to the game but for the DMC5 nexus in general that could cover another layer of modularity for the community.

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