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Far Cry

Green silhouettes prevents far distance view (is this a bug?)


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I think 'green silhouettes' is the best way to describe this thing (my English is bad, sorry). I'm not sure if it's a bug or its just a normal condition in Far Cry 3.

However, I've never seen anything like this. It prevents me from viewing a long distance, so it hinders me from sniping (and destroys the beauty of the jungle!!!).


Another things to note, strange thing I notice is that when I look up at the sky, its blue and the sun is definitely shining. However, no shadow is casted on the ground, as if its night on the ground, day in the sky.





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This problem is already fixed. I don't know how, but the annoying green silhouette suddenly disappear after I completed the "A Piece Of The Past Quest" (the one that have 'infiltrate the nostalgia' objective as its first objective, I think). Yay. Too bad don't know how this problem occur, though.

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