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GECK won't let me edit Globals ?


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Oh I see. I will give that a shot, thank you very much. :smile:




Hmm, I am still very confused, I went to Gameplay > Globals but it seems there is very little that can be changed, or actually that I don't understand the input values.



I am trying to reduce XP you get within FWE which has a script that handles 4 options of XP gain, each option entry points to a change in FWEConfigXPBump - Zero (0) being option 4 and the lowest rate of XP. But I don't understand how to reduce it even further.


Like "0" doesn't resemble any calculation by itself, so I assume the value of "0" is used to reference the actual XP formula, and where that is I do not know.




if configButton > -1
if (configButton == 0) ; Option 1
set FWEConfigExpBump to 1
showmessage FWEConfigMenu001
set configStage to 211
elseif (configButton == 1) ; Option 2 Broken Steel Balanced
set FWEConfigExpBump to 2
showmessage FWEConfigMenu001
set configStage to 211
elseif (configButton == 2) ; Option 3 Broken Steel More Skills
set FWEConfigExpBump to 3
showmessage FWEConfigMenu001
set configStage to 211
elseif (configButton == 3) ; Option 4 FWE Default
set FWEConfigExpBump to 0

Edited by surg23
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I assume the value of "0" is used to reference the actual XP formula, and where that is I do not know.

Yes, this global is probably used by another script, to determine the amount of XP the player is rewarded.


In Globals, right-click on FWEConfigExpBump and select Use Info. You are then presented with a list of all the objects (including scripts) that use/reference this global.

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Oh boy, you have no idea how many times I checked those scripts and found nothing, but you were right it was there all along. It was a tiny single entry in "Quest stages"




;========== EXPERIENCE - 210

if FWEConfigExpBump == 1 ; 150
Con_SetGameSetting iXpBumpBase 150

elseif FWEConfigExpBump == 2 ; 225
Con_SetGameSetting iXpBumpBase 225

elseif FWEConfigExpBump == 3 ; 300
Con_SetGameSetting iXpBumpBase 300

elseif FWEConfigExpBump == 0 ; 400
Con_SetGameSetting iXpBumpBase 400




I'm guessing that increasing the base value will reduce the XP rate, though I am unsure of whether to change just the iXpBumpBase or the explanation value to the right of it, or both ?



At any rate, thanks very much for helping me with this, I'm very happy to have found this. :)

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You only need to change iXpBumpBase.

The semicolon simply tells the compiler to ignore the rest of the current line, and is used when you want to leave notes/comments inside the code. Changing it is not necessary and will have no effect on how the script works.

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