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New Video Card suggestions


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I was hoping to finally upgrade to a video card this year, and get away from my GTX560, however I'm unsure about what card I would want.

I want a card capable of running an ENB like Sharpshooter's Extreme ENB as well as 2k HD textures smoothly.

I'm currently running the classic version of Sharpshooters with SOME hd textures and get approximate 18-25fps which I've just gotten somewhat accustomed to and it doesn't really bother me much, but I would LOVE to be able to run the game with the new version of the ENB and more hd textures smoothly.

I would like to keep the price below $250, and right now I noticed newegg has a deal on the GTX670 for only $250. I was wondering if the GTX670 is capable of running an ENB with HD textures smoothly, or if I should look in to a different card.

If it matters, here are some other specs:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 black edition clocked at 3.7GHz

RAM: 16gb DDR3 Corsair Vengeance

OS: 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium

Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Current card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500225

GTX 670 that's on sale: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121707

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