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Reaper Ammo


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I had some hopes on new Enemy Within DLC when it was announced, like:

1. Devs will finally make some adjustments for conventional weapons to not

be that useless when you get your hands on Laser, and of course Plasma

weaponry, plus we have here alternative EXALT weapon skins which are

gorgeous. I hoped on some balancing, weapon mods, etc.

2. Devs will introduce new weapon tier (Alloy Weaponry for example).

So, nothing changed, it's still race to Plasma.


I was thinking lately, maybe there's some way to tweak Reaper Ammo mod?

I was searching for file maybe, containing it's stats, but no luck, and I really

suck at modding.


If there is any info on that, I'd really appreciate it. I don't need total overhaul

of gameplay, just want conventional weapons to be on par with another ones.


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