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Unofficial Patch Question(s)


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So i have the steam legendary edition.I have a problem with the orcs, the forgemaster finger quest doesn't start.I entered the strongholds, no questions asked.I have skyrim comunity college, domaine alucard, wyrmstooth, trainers guild for aspiring mages.25 hours played, installed the unofficial patches after 15 hours.No problems with souls.I plan to delete it and re install with wyrmstooth, stone of barenziah quest marker and falskaar....now the question is:should i get the unofficial patches too?I was able to finish missing in action quest peacefully.Are you guys experiencing any problems?I plan to do as many quests as i can, well until i get bored and take a few days break :)).Are there any big changes, like missing in action quest?Thanks

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ALL of the unoffical patches for Skyrim and ALL of the DLC you have active should be active from the start of your character for every skyrim install you ever make. If there is any mod that is a 100% MUST, it is these. Also, NEVER uninstall a mod if you want to keep any save file it is active on, even if it's some tiny mod you think won't hurt the game at all, I've had some of the simplest mods totally destroy my save games simply by uninstalling them, skyrim is very bad about never giving up on trying to find mods that were once there! =[


the unoffical patches fix WAAAAY to many things to list. basically, if it's broken in the vanilla game, they fix it. Everything from entire quests, to visual armor glitches, to mistagged weapons, to incorrectly placed spawns, pretty much any error bethesda made, these patches fix, thus why you want to have them from the very start. Installing them can mess up any quests they fix anymore though, as installing a mod that edits a quest WHILE THAT QUEST IS ACTIVE, does weird thigns to said quest.

Edited by ArtMurder
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Unofficial Patches are a must, just be aware that other mods might need a compatibility patch for that too or they might cause issues or even revert bugfixes.


And while you're on the wiki pages like UESP, you will notice how badly broken Skyrim still is with something like 5 average bugs per quest.

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Regarding your inability to start the Forgemaster's Fingers quest.

See the wiki for a list of quests that if any one of them has been completed will prevent the Forgemaster's Fingers quest from running with zero complications.


You know, i did the quest for the orc in Markarth and after that i decided to visit the orcs, Dushnikh Yal.But no one said stop like last time i played and last time i finished this quest.Anyway i entered, spoke with chief, beat him up to get my gold(i tried to speak with everyone but no one gave me the quest.Then i go to the stronghold near riften, killed a giant.Again no questions asked, one of them did call me outsider.I won't use any moods besides wyrmstooth, stone of barenziah quest marker and falskaar and of course the patches.Are these compatible?

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As far as I know, no idea. Your best bet is to read the documentation about each mod to see if anything is said about compatibility/incompatibility. Follow that up by reading the comments of each mod to see what users are saying with regards to compatibility issues.

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Well i found nothing, anyway i decided not to risk it again and finish skyrim without mods, only unofficial patches.Never finished dragonborn and i didn't do a lot of quests first time.I hope my orc quest is not broken thanks to the unofficial patches, though it worked great on missing in action quest.

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The orc quest is not broken. As I pointed out earlier, if you do any one of those quests listed on that link then the Forgemaster's Fingers quest will not be available. You only get to do the Forgemaster's Fingers if you have not helped any Orcs before. It has been that way since the game was released.


If you really want to do the Forgemaster's Fingers quest, then you need to go backwards in saves till a time before you did any quest listed on that link. Or simply start a new game. Your call.

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