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Power Armor Assistance


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It seems a bit odd to me that power armor can be equipped and taken off at your leisure, like clothing.


Would it be possible to create scripts that would make the player require aid (either human or mechanical) to put on or remove a suit of power armor?


It would make wearing such armor a real commitment on the part of the player, something that requires planning and forethought, adding a bit to the strategic element of it.


Perhaps a character with the appropriate INT (and Speech to convince them) could talk someone through the process, or for a small fee in caps, go to a local tech specialist (such as Moira) to help them. If you're in the Brotherhood's or Outcasts' good graces, one of their members could give you a hand. Asking one of the Mr. Handy robot butlers in your character's home would be the easiest (and least costly) way of getting into or out of a suit.


It would add a bit of realism, I think, and keep it from being too easy to simply drop Brotherhood Power Armor and put on that Tesla suit you just found, like they're a new pair of pants and not a highly sophisticated piece of personal armor.

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i just thought that the power armor was just really thick steel or enhanced alloy put together to make sturdy armor, but this idea would bring an awesome new element to the game, makes you think if you wanted to put the certain power armor on before using it. and maybe only a tech specialist can repair it. but the power armor doesnt look techie, maybe a retex would be great. i saw one cool retex on nexus
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i just thought that the power armor was just really thick steel or enhanced alloy put together to make sturdy armor, but this idea would bring an awesome new element to the game, makes you think if you wanted to put the certain power armor on before using it. and maybe only a tech specialist can repair it. but the power armor doesnt look techie, maybe a retex would be great. i saw one cool retex on nexus

Well, it doesn't look too tech-heavy, but that has more to do with the setting being a take on 50's sci-fi, where things undoubtedly had a simpler look. The armor itself is supposed to be really sophisticated. One can imagine, considering they can run for 100 years on a fission battery.


Requiring a certain level of tech ability for the player to even think of repairing it would be nice, but I can't help but think that both our ideas would need something like FOSE to even work.

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I think it may just be impossible to change what skill determines the repair skill of an item. It's hardcoded. As for the help to get it on and off, I'm not sure. I can't think of anything right now... About the tech of the armour, it's quite advanced, thinking about why it runs on a fission battery and also how it modulates the voice, there must be some technical parts to it.
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I think it may just be impossible to change what skill determines the repair skill of an item. It's hardcoded. As for the help to get it on and off, I'm not sure. I can't think of anything right now... About the tech of the armour, it's quite advanced, thinking about why it runs on a fission battery and also how it modulates the voice, there must be some technical parts to it.

Oh but of course there are technical bits. :biggrin:


After all, how else could it enhance Strength? And why would it require special training to wear? Neither of those things would be a factor if it was just glorified metal armor. But as long as we're talking metal armor... the idea for requiring assisstance just came to me while thinking of how knights actually needed their squires to properly affix their armor. I mean, that and, well, old diving suits. Notice the valve on the back of the T-51b. Of course, it's possible that it's automated...

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