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Is there any talk of someone making First Person Mods, like were available for Sekiro and DS3?


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Hey everyone,


So really enjoyed playing through DS3 and Sekiro with the first person mods that were available for them.


The DS3 one is still easy enough to get running, the only issue is - Lock on doesnt work right, so you pretty much need to go with a 2handed sword build. Spells may work to some degree, but your camera will go crazy when locking on. But thatd be a choice for you to make on how you wanna play the mod. Heres a link to DS3's first person mod. If you have a VR headset and Vorpx, you can play it in VR as well.




The Sekiro one unfortunately is more difficult to get running, you need to 'downpatch' your game in Steam. This can be a tedious process that requires numerous steps and sometimes you just feel like you got 'Lucky' when you managed to get it to work. The mod only works for version 1.04 for Sekiro. Never launch either of these mods while online with Steam, always set yourself to offline mode.


Thankfully, I did find a good site for Speedrunners who need to downpatch games for their runs to still be viable and they give a pretty good breakdown on how to downpatch Sekiro to 1.04. Youll know if its the right version of Sekiro on the game's title screen. Believe on the bottom right of the screen itll tell you if its 1.04 or no.




If you decide you want to downpatch Sekiro, it will place it into a different Folder than the actual game. Keep your vanilla Sekiro installed, if you read the entire walkthrough, youll see you may need some files from that before being able to launch into 1.04. Do not delete anything from the Downpatched version. To avoid mistakes and having to do the whole process again, I recommend making a copy of the entire downpatched game somewhere else in your computer to use to roll back on in case you make any mistakes.


But heres the mod for Sekiro 1st person. Again, if you have Vorpx, you can play in first person VR.




Heres a little video of a guy playing Sekiro in first person if you were interested to see gameplay



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