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Does every mod requiring LML have to be in LML menu?


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Hi guys.

Im just new to the modding stuff in rdr2.


So my question is, if every mod which requires LML has to be shown in the LML menu as well?


For example, i use P.E.D overhaul mod, which is shown in the LML menu and active , but i cant really see a difference in stumbling for example. Also i got Bloodlust, which is not shown in LML menu but definitley activated ingame.


But for some Mods... i just dont get them to work. An easy Rifle holster mod, which is just not working and not shown in LML menu...i dont really know what im doing wrong, i just extract the files in LML folder in game directionary. But some just dont want to work as i can tell...

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Don't take what I'll say as face value cause Ive only been modding since the past month


Some mods require lml, some mods require ScriptHook, and I think there's some that require both (but does lml require SH ? I'm not even sure).
Anyway I'm not sure about what you mean by :


So my question is, if every mod which requires LML has to be shown in the LML menu as well?



do you mean the mods.xml file ? then yes, all the mods that require lml and are loaded on start should be in it.

I'm not sure what you're asking, but most of mods don't require lml, these are mods you just put in the game folder, no lml involved.
Maybe I'll show you instead of describe


This is my mods.xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Mod folder="No Forced Scope">
      <Name>No Forced Scope</Name>
      <DisabledGroups />
    <Mod folder="Ambient Gang - RDR1 Gang Addon">
      <Name>Ambient Gang</Name>
      <DisabledGroups />
    <Mod folder="no_ammo">
      <Name>no auto ammo pickup</Name>
      <DisabledGroups />
    <Mod>No Forced Scope</Mod>
    <Mod>Ambient Gang - RDR1 Gang Addon</Mod>

btw this file is generated automatically, you don't have to edit it (I wouldn't)

(I uninstalled No Forced Scope so idk why it's still showing there)




And this lists all the mods I have currently installed :
(btw the game is effing awesome with those)


  • Ambient Gang - RDR1 Gang Addon : 822
  • New Gang Hideout-822 (Except I disabled the changes to Thieves Landing and Twin Rocks as I wanted to keep Del Lobo here) : 822
  • Bank Robbery-167-1-1-1578885876 : 167
  • Bounty Hunting - Expanded and Enhanced : 1073
  • Contracts Remastered : 1800
  • Disable Crosshair-1747-1-0-1666388985 : 1747
  • Duels.rar-500-1-2-0-1620987639 : 500
  • Lenny's Mod Manager
  • lml_rdr_beta_10_1
  • Lower Ammo Limit-295-1-3-1632331043 : 295
  • No Ammo Pickup-567-1-2-1626517043 : 567
  • NoAutoReload-157-1-2-1577903795 : 157
  • Open All Interiors 1.7-352-1-7-1668340777 : 352
  • Ped Damage Overhaul 184
  • Rampage-233-1-6-2-1668345482 : 233
  • ScriptHookRDR2_1.0.1436.31 : 56
  • Stagecoach Robberies : 869


So as you see out of my 16 mods, only 4 are loaded by lml. So i'd say most of the mods don't require it. but PDO for example is worth the pain

Edited by filosophem
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