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**NEWBIE Modder :)** Questions! ADVICE much appreciated!


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Hey everyone! and especially hello to the longtime members here on Nexus.


I have spent many hours already playing rdr1 and 2 and want to start modifying the game for a more unique experience.


Free to Roam mod is really cool as is the No Invisible Walls mod out there and it got me thinking...

Can I build my own railroad station in the forbidden territory? I was wondering if anyone has built their very own town? This is something I've always wanted to do in game, borrow houses and characters and buildings and objects and necessary miscellaneous items to make the town feel alive and infinitely entertaining. A map editor is as best as I can describe what I'm looking for...


Goal is to use the already existing mods here and put them together in working order to create a game experience where I can take a train from a normal pre existing town and it would connect to a custom built railroad that I have put in place myself and the train would carry my player and it's passengers to a railroad station that I put together from pre existing models and NPC's just to have my very own town!


Thank you in advance for any links, How To guides, and instructions to the nearest bottomless pit.

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I'll assume you are asking for which existing mods would do this and that


Disclaimer : I've only been modding RDR2 for like a month so don't take what I say as face value


what do you mean by

my own railroad station in the forbidden territory?



anyone has built their very own town



not that I know of, in fact I feel like map editors mods are quite rare and must be extremly complex to make.




borrow houses and characters and buildings



I'm not sure to understand what u asking here, but no, not that I know of


There are mods on the other hand that you could be interested in :


Make your own gang (I think you get to build you camp, recruit members, and do robberies, etc.)

I know there is a mod that lefts you purchase some properties (I think it's reffering to the new empty houses that are for sale in the end game), you should find it easily



Goal is to use the already existing mods here and put them together in working order to create a game experience where I can take a train from a normal pre existing town and it would connect to a custom built railroad



I don't want to discourage you here but there are no such things, yet (again, that I know of).


Most of the time the installation process are very similar : it's either drop the files in your game directory or drop them in your lml folder (I find it really easy to install rdr2 mods)

You will need ScriptHook (mod number 56 : https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/56) for any *.asi mods to work (for any mod actually).

You may need Lenny's mod Manager later depending on the mods you want, but there are tons of cool mods that don't require it. SO I wouldn't bother with this now


When browsing mods, check the Requirements drop-down, so you see what components are required for it to work


I recommend installing first Rampage trainer, which has tons of options, if I had to choose just 1 mod, that would be it.

If you want to check if you installation was succesfull, press F5



If you like free-roam and immersion like I do, I can give you my mod list, if you want, there are some must-have in it (imo)

(Check Shtivi's mod they are really good immersion-wise)

Edited by filosophem
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