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Custom Gang Mod is pretty dope


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I liked the Gang Mod idea thought it was really neat being able to recruit NPC's and have them follow you around, go on missions, act as bodyguards, be available at locations you own as sort of caretakers. Would be great to see them turn on you if they don't like you or have a tool to edit an NPC's Aggressiveness/Trust Factor so they would attempt to shoot you in the back after a bank robbery or you skip out on paying them and they mutiny and drag you out to the desert and attempt to hang you or bury you or whatever. Sensitive bunch.


Like a simple trigger effect if you turn your back on them after a mission this could trigger a shoot out mod or duel mode, or if you recruit certain NPC's with certain traits they'll dive in front of a bullet for you versus other NPC's who would flee if you are ambushed and leave you for dead.


I don't know, love the mod idea though, hope it works haven't been able to get it to yet but I am new here. Any tips on getting this one to work?



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