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Model porting and animations...


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I thought about gathering a bunch of models from fps banana and putting them into fallout (Of course, I'm not allowed to release them! It's just for personal use) but I have one little problem...


I have to re-use fallout default animations on the new models right? But how to I port the models to nifscope? (I DO know how to make changes to models inside nifs) I have found tutorials to port from 3ds Max, but what about blender?


What about handgun slide animations? So that the slide moves everytime I shoot. I presume I must paste the slide over, let's say... the 10mm pistol one, and then mess with the coords to put it in the correct position?

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Pretty much right, (as far as I know) as for the blender part I have no idea.


Also, kudos to you for linking to my article in your sig. Article 2 *MIGHT* be done this weekend unless I'm playing Team Fortress 2. It will just be a list of the most requested mods (OMGZ M4 WF SILENSAR! RAIN! NUDE MOD! and so on...)

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I'm doing the same thing and I am having issues creating meshes. I have about 40-50 weapons lined up and converted into .dds and each with their own sound but no meshes to allow them to go in game ): I don't know how to make .nif to go along with my .dds and I just get lost in 3ds max... Will be watching this thread, PM me if you would like to do a weapon porting project :)
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