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Yes linkedrefs can be queried from the target by GetRefsLinkedToMe which retuns an array for multiple connections on the same keyword.



A. SetLinkedRef(B, mKW)
A. GetLinkedRef(mKW) == B


B. GetRefsLinkedToMe(mKW) == A

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Yes linkedrefs can be queried from the target by GetRefsLinkedToMe which retuns an array for multiple connections on the same keyword.



A. SetLinkedRef(B, mKW)

A. GetLinkedRef(mKW) == B


B. GetRefsLinkedToMe(mKW) == A

Excellent, thanks.

So if i understand correctly, you can't link one reference to multiple objects using one keyword

A. SetLinkedRef(B, mKW)

A. SetLinkedRef(C, mKW)

A. SetLinkedRef(D, mKW)

but you can link them all to one reference and use GetRefsLinkedToMe() or, chain-link them together like this:

A. SetLinkedRef(B, mKW)

B. SetLinkedRef(C, mKW)

C. SetLinkedRef(D, mKW)

and use A.GetLinkedRefChain(mKW).

Edited by lee3310
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