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Mirai, a young custom voiced follower[WIP]


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I'll never download this mod, but since you want feedback I would suggest you to remove the flowers from her hair and make it a separate hat-thing to put on her head. Unless you haven't already.

Also, I would remove the line "how can you think of leaving me here?!" Isn't that line too much for just asking her to wait somewhere?


The flowers on her hair are a part of the hair from the SG Hair Pack mod. I understand there's a lot of people that like a somewhat dirty, lore friendly, time specific look to their followers and I'm simply not trying to make that claim and please everyone in that regard. If I find more people detest the hair that much, I think there's more than enough hairs to choose from so I'll consider it although I am very comfortable with her appearance as it is.

Anyways, as for that line you mentioned .. I enabled just about all the lines I had to be said randomly for the purpose of the demo to showcase the voice but the end result won't be as cluttered. For instance asking her to wait while in the middle of a dungeon, at the throat of the world, or anywhere bizarre for practically no reason would illicit that response. I thought that would be an appropriate response for a young girl being left in a dark dungeon or in the middle of no where by herself whom is easily frightened. I'd have a similar response if someone asked that of me!


I have a few suggestion.


Don't make the character a Mary Sue nor make her a cliche. Make sure her backstory is original, but not original for the sake of being original. I would rather have a "done a dozen times" backstory that's done well, instead of an original story that's made poorly.


Make sure the writing is realistic and fits the character. The writing and dialogue has the fit the TES universe and the background of the character. For example she wouldn't say "What the hell is going on?" Because "hell" is a figure of speech that has roots in Christianity, which doesn't exist in TES. Also try and avoid making her say to much modern slang. For example she shouldn't say "I just owned that Orc!" or any pop culture references.


I don't mean to sound rude but I really don't know how else to ask, lol, but did you read what I wrote about her already? I'll admit it's really cliche and not very original if you break it down to its concept of "girl with deep dark past" but I'm definitely trying to avoid her being a perfect mary sue. If I were to compare her to anyone with the vanilla game in terms of backstory I'd say someone from the DB or more specifically Astrid.

But I agree in dialogue being very important! She is certainly a bit sarcastic and won't be 100% serious all the time but I think overall I've achieved a perfectly believable in-universe character. So far, that is. Traveling with her won't be an immersion breaker.


But thank you! I could use all the guides I can get and I'll definitely check out that mod.

Edited by kaleidx
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I'm a bit more utilitarian so I'd like to suggest some things gameplay wise...


  • Separate storage she doesn't use but holds things for you.
  • Configurable combat behavior, tell her to use melee, ranged, magic, support only.
  • Summon power to bring her to you in case she gets stuck
  • light step perk
  • Ability to turn off greet dialogs played whenever she gets close. They are going to repeat and become annoying after all of them are heard some number of times. It is inevitable but appreciated in the beginning.
  • Ability to toggle use any summon magic



A wishlist kind of item would be for her to have some unique spell she can cast or perk effect bestowed on the player. Something only she does giving you a good reason to have her over any other follower. Similar to how the specialized followers mod gives unique enhancements. Something Like...


Tethered - The closer you are to Mirai the more you can depend on her. When within 30ft of Mirai your magicka and stamina costs are reduced by x%, her presence radiates raw magicka around her those in good favor with her are tuned to it and benefit. Once further the effect starts to drop off.

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Yes, it's still coming along. I think I may be trying to be a little too ambitious with this mod which might be a mistake on my part so I've been trying to tone it back down. I suppose I feel like I had a lot of expectations and I've been trying to do more than I am capable of. I think you can expect a release by the end of the month if everything goes alright.

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Yes, of course. I apologize for the lack of activity I just had the most trouble getting this stand-alone downloadable and I only had 1 tester. I got all my permissions as well so ..

Any day now for sure. :blush:

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