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large building pieces


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Over the years, I have seen many mods come and go. Unfortunately a lot of the ones that left were of large building pieces.

I define this as parts like walls which are multiples of the standard size. Say you have a standard staircase. The piece to the right is what I mean. There is a standard sized prefab attached on the left, next to Heather.


So the definition here is that this staircase is one unit high, one unit wide and so on.

The prefab, equally, is one standard unit in each dimension.

But I have seen walls that were 3*3 in size, and the modders claimed that they saved on the settlement building budget. Let's assume that that is true.

Why aren't there more around? Are they just too awkward to make in modelling programs? Do placement guides need to be included to be able to use them in the game?

And what about larger floors or ceilings? I have seen a few that were 2*1, and a very few that were larger, but usually I find they aren't standard size e.g. 2.2 height or width, which is just awkward, but makes sense if they are just taken from game assets that were never meant to be used for building.

Navmesh is another headache and I think I have never seen such a mod without complaints. I really don't know why beth didn't make that easier.

The one killer item that would be amazing is a working long ramp, e.g. 3 units high. I'm not sure what slope the settlers can cope with. I do know they are not supposed to be able to handle railings well, and if anything is above them they get confused.

I have seen dozens of spiral staircases that were player-only.

I don't know how navmesh works, but if i had my way, I would have a large long long ramp that had one way up and the other way down, so that settlers didn't stand still staring at each other, like I have seen on some staircases.

I have never seen a good guide on creating new building pieces, and the few youtube videos always refer to 3ds max. I can access blender but I have no training and I might eventually get somewhere with blender, but I don't know if it is even compatible. From what people have said, even 3dsmax has compatibility issues.

Edited by AndreChau
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The blender is not suitable for fo4. Exclusively 3ds 2013/2014. But with 3ds it's no problem to create anything for fo4. 3ds requires the bgs exporter plugin. It comes with ck and is contained in the tools folder. For import, - nif importer. It is contained in the f4ak package (available on the nexus).
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