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Mod retexture for tesla cannon? (Easy for good modders)


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I would like a black Tesla Cannon with a black beam instead of blue (including the electricity on the inside) called Physics Fury. (See http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6485 read description, I suggested it but he couldn't re texture. Still a really cool guy. Kudo him. And dont worry about asking him, he says feel free to mod this for your own mod in his description)


Anyone who can do this thanks ALOT. You will get quite a bit of downloads and high ratings. And a kudo from me. You might even think this is cool and use it yourself. Thanks!


EDIT: Forgot to mention ammo. (Not too hard) They are called Fury Tubes, which are black alien power cells. You can make up a place where you get them. Or if it can have infinite ammo without ammo.


And at full condition. ALWAYS. Thanks alot.

(If you can't do the ammo/condition, no need to)

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