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Khajiit Hair Styles


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Hello everyone, just wondering if anyone knew a good mod or a way to add some other hairs to the Khajiit race.


I'm using the Ahtata Khajiit Replacer HGEC and can't seem to figure out how to add new hair styles to it.


I've tried the cosmetic compilation but that doesn't do much for me.


If anyone knows how, please let me know. Thanks. :)


You could always try using Wrye Bash to import the hair from the mod you like to the replacer mod. It's a pretty advanced use of Wrye bash though. The link goes to a guide as well as the download. Also be warned that the head shape of the Khajits often causes issues with hair floating over the head etc.

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There wont be any problems with floating hair, as it's a replacer that makes the Khajiit more human.
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Yeah, as Azir says, the mod makes the Khajiit more human-like. Much like the old Daggerfall version.


I guess I could mess around with Wrye. I had it for a while, but since I never used it I got rid of it.

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