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phantomcamel - BANNED

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phantomcamel banned

Harassing another member
Entitled behaviour and aggressively criticising another member and their content, spamming the said member's mod page with nonsense afterwards (comments edited)
Abuse of the reporting system
Submitting an unsubstantiated report on another member's comment (response to the user's original comment (unedited) - false accusations against the other member
Submitting an unsubstantiated file report on the said mod author's file after being blocked from it by its author
Harassing the said mod author via the personal messenger system

Course of events


05 December 2022, 7:18 pm (post #118643688):
Original version (automatical copy pasta in the user's report 08 December 2022, quoted below):

To the mods creator @*username*, there is no need to tell the commentors to calm down. Once you put a mod on nexus you should expect that users will interact with the mod and offer their thoughts on this mod. It is illogical and unreasonable to expect users not to chime their opinions in when there is an apparent game altering bug. If you are annoyed by the constant requests to fix your mod you can disable comments for the mod. When you upload a mod you implicitly acknowledge and consent to the inputs of users, regardless of how incessant they may be.

Comment edited by phantomcamel, 06 December 2022 - 06:18 pm to:

06 December 2022, 2:27 am in response to the other member's post (05 December 2022, 8:32PM):
Edited by phantomcamel, 06 December 2022 - 06:18 pm.

Reports on the said member's response (08 December 2022 and 11 December 2022):

08 December 2022 - 02:57 am:
he threatened to bomb my home.

11 December 2022 - 03:16 am:
bruh this mans is hateful

File reports on the said mod author's mod:

13 December 2022 - 12:37 am:
Mod uploader: *username*
Mod reported: *mod title*
Report reason: Miscellaneous
Report: Mod Author bans commentors for reasonable inquiries, for comments that do not go against Nexus TOS

13 December 2022 - 12:38 am:
Mod uploader: *username*
Mod reported: *mod title*
Report reason: Miscellaneous
Report: Please Be Nice This Is My First Proper Mod, But Please Give Feedback I Would Really Appreciate It!
-Bans User for Commenting Bug in the Mod

Personal messages:

Title: Unfair Banning
Message 13 December 2022 - 12:47 am

" Please Be Nice This Is My First Proper Mod, But Please Give Feedback I Would Really Appreciate It! "

I a user gave you kind feedback you didn't have to ban me from the mod forum. I understand this is your first mod, but maybe consider noticing how other mod authors of different games routinely publish updates to their mod's comment section. I have been modding for over 3 years now and have not experienced such unprofessional and blatant meanness from a mod author. Your actions put a bad light to the RDR2 modding scene and it does not feel nice as a user of this mod since it's initial release. When you post a mod you are implicitly accepting to the user's comments, when comments pile up and you clearly do notice when they do. Post a simple update notifying the community that a fix is in the works, this way you aren't bombarded with posts. If you did this you wouldn't have to go to such lengths to ire your modding community to the point where you think that they are nonstop sending you comments.

Maybe it's all the live leak grossness that has messed with your mentality but normal mod authors publish works that they aim to keep up with. Either with technical updates or with comments that solidify the status of the mod. I might not be as technically inclined as you are to create such an awesome mod as your physics mod is, but I know that if I ever were to publish anything to nexus I would not treat my community like the way you do.

Message 13 December 2022 - 12:55 pm

From your response I can assume that you are clearly not ok up in your noggin. I didnt come here to harass you or anything. You are not that important to me nor anyone on your mod community. I, like other people in the mod forum, only value the work that you created, I have no interest in you, the author. Take your ego and lower it down to a normal level, you are not that important that you would be harassed or attacked for one mod on nexus mods. I posted my inquiries in the forums nicely along with other posters. You singled me out and banned me from posting further inquiries, on a suspicion mind you. You are reckless with the privileges given to you as a mod author and all the discomfort you get from this mod is a result of your mishandling of your mod community.

Do not post mods on nexus if you cant handle user requests/bug fix requests properly. If you cant handle the pressure of handling a modding user-base dont post the creative works. Humble yourself as well, imagine what happens to the author of the *** mod, oh but he is responsible with his community.




Comment 12 December 2022, 11:21PM (in response to post 11 December 2022, 11:05PM, 12 December 2022, 1:20PM):

@*username* please remove the horse bug, it is quite annoying to play the game with this bug here :/


Comment 14 December 2022, 1:21AM (posted on another mod by the mod author concerned in order to circumvent the block mentioned above, pertaining mod not downloaded):

Hey @*username* I live how this mod works. Its very realistic and it blends perfectly with the vanilla ragdoll animations as well. My gameplay is totally changed for the better and I appreciate that. I was wondering if you have witnessed a bug that involved horses though? Every time I collide with objects at high speed my character just launches into the air. It might be fps related but I am not quite sure (I’m not that technically inclined with gta v). I hope my pleasant inquiry reaches you properly and I hope you can investigate this bug soon. Thanks for all your support and effort with the gta v modding scene!


From the Forum and Commenting Guidelines

We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind.

Within this community, you are not inherently entitled to another's time, work, or creations. Comments or posts that imply otherwise may be subject to moderation.

Do not spam. Do not post repeatedly. Do not post nonsense.

Do not intentionally post false, inaccurate, or misleading information in order to harm or disparage another member or creation.

From the Reporting Guidelines

Do not use these tools to report specific issues regarding the use of user-submitted mods such as installation errors, crashes, bugs, or other issues that are not direct violations of our policies and guidelines.

Using these tools to submit harassing, redundant, or frivolous submissions, may result in administrative action.

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Edited by zcul
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