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Training simulator


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I've been wanting to make a virtual training simulator for my house. Basically it's a pod like in Operation Anchorage or Vault 112, and there are a few different scennarios you can choose from, like one that involves stealth, one where you have to defend a point, and one where you just go around killing everyone etc. How I was thinking it'd work is that you choose on a nearby console which mission you wanted to do, then sit in the pod and play it. You'd also be given an item that you can activate to exit the simulation whenever you want.


I've got something like this working with the actual Operation Anchorage mission, and I tried sort of scavenging the scripts from it to make this happen, but it's all a bit over my head so I couldn't really do it. I can do a lot of what's needed myself, like designing the levels and quests, I just need the scripts to make it all work. I really hope someone will help me!


edit: a little more detail of what I'm thinking...


-Activating the pod will only make it open or close, but will not check for anything other than whether it's open or closed.


-The chair will check if you're wearing the proper neural interface suit and which mission was selected at the terminal. If you're not wearing the suit you'll be told to put it on. If you haven't selected a mission, the default one will be used.


-Once you sit in the chair, the pod closes and the crazy graphics play just like in OA, then all your items are removed and the ones you need for the mission as well as the exit item are added. Then you're teleported to the cell the mission takes place in.


-The missions would be really simple with only one or two goals, eg: steal document without being seen, kill dude without beeing seen, kill everyone, make sure certain npcs don't come within x range of x object etc. Failing the mission, like by being seen or not properly protecting the point or maybe person - possibly even dying, will make you start over again at the beginning of the mission.


-Completing the mission or using the exit item will revert the quest state to 0, and actually remove it from your quest list if that's possble, and remove all your items and give back your normal stuff then put you back in the chair, which then opens. Or maybe the whole thing is just one quest, with each mission just being a different state, to reduce quest list clutter.


Yeah, I think this would be a cool little thing to release with my house mod, or maybe just as something people can put in their own houses. Please help me with these scripts :)

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