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Hair physics hairstyles cloth physics


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Hey guys :)


i just downloaded the hair physics mod and its epic! the only downside is that you can only chose one hairstyle for it :/ can anyone make some more? that would be a very popular mod if so :)


Also seeing that the hair physics works in skyrim maybe a cloth armor physic? like dresses, capes skirts tails ect move like the move realistically and also affected by the environment example, wind, rain and swimming.


Im sure you can do this if you know how to and have the time too ! this will be a great addition to the mods here at nexus.


Thanks !



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Cloth and armor physics is also possible, as far as I can see...

Unfortunately, I am not a modder myself, but I saw a few videos where some guys did it:





So I suppose the only thing we can do now is wait) Sure, there will be more physics-connected mods in the future

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