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Problems with my "pretending dead perk" mod


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So, I've decided to make my own mod of that kind because I haven't found any around here on nexus. I'm pretty new to scripting, I just look up the commands I need on Geck website. What I want to do is to create a perk which would allow player to "pretend dead" so that he/she falls down and becomes "invisible" for enemies. Also I want it to be controlled by a hotkey, not through Pip-Boy menu... So, I've installed the FNV Geck and FVSE and made a shortcut so it opens through script extender. My idea was to create a base effect which is based on an EFFECT script of this kind:


scn PlayDeadEFFECTScript
Begin Gamemode
pushactoraway player 1
The base effect is called PlayDead, has an archetype Script, the script above as an Associated item, has Self and Recover ticked. Next, I would create an actor effect (named PlayDeadEffect) based on this base effect. Then I would make a second script which is a QUEST one:
scn PlayDeadScript
short curkey
Begin GameMode
if curkey != IsKeyPressed 38; so that if you press L, it would make the player fall down
set curkey to curkey == 0
if curkey != 0
player.CastImmediateOnSelf PlayDeadEffect
and then a quest associated with the second script. Now for the problems:
-Whenever I try this ingame, my character flies high up in the air, or if indoors, sticks to the ceiling.
-It takes about 3 presses for my PC to run the code...
-Also I get XP for knocking down enemies O_o
So, if any of you guys can help me out, I'd be grateful. And please tell me if I post this at a wrong place... I'm not really familiar with the nexus forum rules :blush:


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That's fine... I hope you can come up with some ideas... Thanks anyway

P.S. I have ticked the "no magnitude" thing, trying to write the script similar to some standard ones like deathclaw's knockdown, and both the xp and flying problems vanished ^ _ ^ altho now my character stands up immediately, no matter which duration in the actor effect menu is chosen...

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Well, I've learned that if I change set curkey to curkey == 0 to set curkey to 0, it somehow wouldn't work (script don't run after I press the key); speaking of gamemode, are there any other blocktypes except GameMode which I can use in quest script? Because I've tried some other blocktypes and GECK says they are not the proper blocktype for a quest script. And again, thanks for answering

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