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Advice for Fix/mod


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Hi friends, I have a problem that I want to fix but don't know how exactly. Here's a pic of the problem:




See the circled areas? Well, I can see the sky through the ship where the catwalk grating is from all the way back to the base of the Rivet City entrance ramp. I'm not asking anybody to fix it for me (although if you want to or already have a file in which you've fixed the same problem I'd be very grateful) because I would like to learn to do it on my own.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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I identified those holes. There are 2 problems:


1. Is an old ship, is kinda normal to have holes. Besides, on the other side those holes are "patched".


2. There are 5 files that contain that section, are under Wasteland cell selection. Simply duplicate an already existing prefab without hole and replace the holed one with it. The problem is I really don't know what file goes 'there" so you will have to patch all of them if you really need.


Anyway, I never bothered to look up when I was ingame. And even if I would've looked I repeat, I suppose is natural to see holes on a 200+ years rusted old ship.

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The problem is that there should be a bulkhead behind those holes. You should be able to look up through the grate and see the side of the ship, not the sky behind it. Thanks for the input though just the same, I don't quite know what you mean though by the holes being 'patched'. I installed the 1.4 official patch and they just showed up. Part 2 of your reply has me completely confused, I don't know anything about patching myself, could you please be a bit more specific? Do I open up the specific cell in GECK, find the problem and add something to it to fix it? If so, what do I add?
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First of all, the last official patch is 1.5...


And about your problem:


1. I meant on the other side there is no hole. You just see that hole when you are on the bridge. If you are on top of the place where hole is supposed to be, there is no hole, is just a steel plate. Is a visual glitch. I just don't understand why it bothers you so much, that's all.


2. That involves use of the GECK. You need to open Fallout3.esm in GECK. Then, in cell window to change "interiors" with "wasteland". Then to scroll down till you find some files called "Rivet City exterior". Are about 5-7. Right click on one of them, chose "view". You will see the image in render window. The rest can be learned in modding tutorials on this forum, or even from youtube videor if you really want to do it.

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I realize that 1.5 is the latest patch but I've heard so many bad things about it I'm not gonna bother using it.


It bothers me because seeing something like that ruins the immersion of the game. I know how to use GECK, it's not too different from the TES construction set, but it seems like the problem would be one with the mesh for the ship itself, something I can not fix in GECK. Or can I? That's why I am asking for help. I guess I'll just have to play with it till I figure it out.


EDIT: Ok, I tried looking at the Rivet City Exterior cells, all 8 of them, in GECK when I got home last night, and they all have this problem. So fixing it that way is not going to work. Anybody else have any ideas?

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