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Error- Bright White Backgrounds


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So I've started playing Fallout 3 and Skyrim again recently, and naturally that's brought me back here. But the site hasn't been so easy on my eyes lately, as I've been experiencing a strange error... well, best to just show it:




I'm pretty sure the site's backdrop isn't supposed to be a painful glaring white. This happens on the Skyrim and Fallout 3 pages, as well as other Nexus pages. Sometimes, I'll see the proper background while the site is loading, but once the site finishes, it goes white again. Oddly, this only happens in Firefox, and only on my laptop- if I use Chrome on the lappy, its fine, and using Firefox on a different computer, it looks fine as well.


I've tried running Firefox in safe mode (which disables all add-ons), and I've cleared my cache and offline website data. Nothing seems to fix this.

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Look on the lower left corner for 'Change Theme'

There are 2 possible choices white or Underground.

For a dark background select the underground theme - IMHO it looks far better than the white. :thumbsup:

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