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Looking for a mod


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Basically I am looking for a mod that like title states, will let me equip multiple items. For example if I want to wear 2 items for the amulet slot or legs slots etc, I can. Not that I want to wear 2 amulets at a time, but in the apachii goddess store there are great items that are for different parts of your body, but they take up the same slot and I would love to be able to wear my legs with my shoulders, but they take up same slot. So is there a mod that will let me wear multiple pieces of gear for the same slot?



Thanks a bunch

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There's a tweak for this (for rings and amulets as well i think) the the wyrebash bashed patch, however if you use it no rings or amulets will actually show up.


It's technically impossible with the engine to actually show more than one object per slot.

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