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better arrows speed, accuracy and range instead of damage


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I cant believe an iron arrow between the eyes.... through the skull wont kill you or an npc if the damage level isnt enough and the arrows hitting the target dead center hell i have a hard time hitting the center of the target with a take down bow with sight at 15 meters and dragon born does it with a longbow, crouching, without a flinch so let me get to the point


what im looking for is a mod that pretty much balances the arrow damage lets say the arrow damage varies less and i want it to be higher more like around 30 or maybe more but thats just an early estimate and for arrows to have different stats and be more affected by accuracy and range depending on the arrow, because if a couple of weeks of archery lessons taught me anything is that an arrow is often the difference between hitting a target right in the center or not hitting it at all so basically i want to overhaul how arrows are classified. not only in damage but in accuracy, speed, wind affect and range let me explain


an iron arrow can have higher damage than an ebony arrow due to the head: the iron arrow's head is broader than that of an ebony arrow

but an iron arrow would be less accurate have less range and go a little slower due to the weight feathers etc. on the other side the ebony arrows can be one of the fastest, most precise and accurate arrows and so on with the rest

i want to make arrows a bit more realistic and immersive you'll be selecting arrows according to what you're doing

yeah archery will be more over powered forboth the character and the npcs but also it will be a bit harder to actually hit the target which will make it more interesting (although the accuracy should only afect the player because npcs are already really easy to dodge even with a faster arrows mod) and also the damage varying according to the bodies region such as a clean headshot would be an insta-death (again for both nps and player) an arrow to the hand should have less damage than base damage.

it also would be cool if the weather affected the arrow but lets not get into deeper details so thats basically what i want if a modder could help me out id be glad to tell further details

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Here's ABT for ya:




This mod definitly revamps the aroow damage as well as the accuracy (i guess by changing the speed). You actually have to aim because this mod disables a setting the automatically snaps the arrows if they are close enough to the target.


The link below also solves the locational damage problem:




Now i do realize that these mods are separate, but it seems unecessary to make another mod that incorporates these ideas as the mods already exist. As for the wind effect, i personally don't have a solid answer. Im not even sure its possible or if it is, the method is vague to me.

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