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ValheimRaft Mod help


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Whats up everyone. Looking for a little help and direction getting mods to work on a server with me and 3 friends. New to the overall concept.


Our old world got deleted so as we are running through all of the biomes to get to Mistlands we were looking into a few mods to help keep things fresh, such as ValheimRaft. New to the concept and my current understanding (correct me if I am wrong) is that a "client side" mod is one that we download through nexus and all launch independently. A "server side" mod is one that needs to be installed into your actual files inside valheim folders.


Current problem: When launching into our multiplayer server that I host for myself and three friends I get hit with an error "ValheimRaft was not loaded onto the server".


We have the mods downloaded through the Vortex Mod Manager and several of the other mods successfully work - such as crafting from containers (as long as raft is disabled). IF I launch into a private game that i make inside valheim at the home screen I can see the ValheimRaft assets and utilize them.


I have a bepinex folder in both my steam folder of Valheim and my Dedicated server folder of valheim and have also manually installed and copied the mods into the bepinex folders individually as well, while still being hit with the same error.


I believe i am simply putting files in the incorrect spot? Currently both the dedicated server and valheim folders have a bepinex folder and have the mods copy and pasted inside of that. I love that they work on my own private server but me and the boys are tryna get dirty on a ship together, please advise.



Potentially related: Devcommands/debug mode are able to be used on my personal servers but are not able to be used on my dedicated server that we all connect to. While some mods work on the dedicated the raft one does not. Because I am not able to use debugmode on my dedicated and cannot use raft is it possible the server itself is bugged or was installed incorrectly by myself?

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