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My Dwarven Commoner is ready to go to the Landsmeet, but when she travels to the Royal Palace, the scene where Cauthrien tries to stop the Wardens does not start -we're immediately inside the Landsmeet chamber, so the scripted scene where Loghain rants does not trigger. I did not kill Cauthrien when freeing Anora. I did harden Alistair and convinced him to marry Anora; is that gamebreaking? Can I use the console to trigger the Landsmeet?


I tried replaying several events prior to the Landsmeet -I do not support Anora or I do not even talk to her, II simply kill the Tevinter Mages to gain access to the Alienage Hospice or I bribe my way in, I help out Ser Otto or I do not, I save Oswyn, etc- but each time I end up inside the landsmeet chamber itself. No Ser Cauthrien, no scene trigger. I am really at a loss. If someone knows a console command that will trigger the scene.... I tried the "runscript zz_den_debug", but it only teleports me directly into the Landsmeet chamber. Again no scene trigger.


EDIT: found an installed mod that made it impossible for the Landsmeet Anterchamber Scene to properly trigger:

Dahlialynns Alistair Epilogues - The Royal Wedding by DahliaLynn

After it's removal with the NMM (Nexus Mod Manager) everything was okay again.

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Hey there. This information isn't necessarily conclusive unless you perform more testing. You may have other mods that conflict, or you could have had a corrupted savegame. There could be many reasons and my mod is not necessarily the cause of this issue as it doesn't not meddle with any of the official game resources, only gathers information and uses it to perform an action at the end of the game.


Nevertheless, I'll look into this issue and hope you can provide us with more testing scenarios and results before coming to definitive conclusions.



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At this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/734481-cant-do-the-landsmeet-quest/?hl=%2Blandsmeet#entry5853772

someone else bumped into a similar experience; all their mods are listed including the one I removed through NMM (as an aside; I then manually removed all files associated with the mod I removed).

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At this thread: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/734481-cant-do-the-landsmeet-quest/?hl=%2Blandsmeet#entry5853772

someone else bumped into a similar experience; all their mods are listed including the one I removed through NMM (as an aside; I then manually removed all files associated with the mod I removed).

According to that thread, the user removed the override folder temporarily to fix the issue (Presuming the player used a non corrupted savegame to test their results). Alistair's Royal Wedding does not rely on the override folder to work, so in their case it couldn't be related. The only files placed in override are the dress files, and the 1.2 patch. Could it be the 1.2 patch? What other mods do you have installed? Does the Landsmeet work if you only remove the patch? How many savegames are you using when testing your results?

I also noticed the user has old mods that had files that may cause conflicts in general, such as "The Traveler". "Alistair Scenes main" could also have files that cause issues.


Regardless, I have a feeling that if you leave Alistair's Royal Wedding DAzip installed, and temorarily removed your override files you could come closer to finding the issue if in fact it had anything to do with the mod.


If after removing your override folders doesn't help, and the one single mod that works after experimenting with of all of your mods would be the Royal Wedding, then there's definitely cause for my concern.

Edited by DahliaLynn
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I actually deleted quite a lot of savegames to test what was wrong, having to replay a lot of quests. I started replaying right at the point where Anora is rescued and you're caught by Ser Cauthrien. I thought that the way I dealt with her would cause the bug -since the bug places me directly into the Landsmeet Chamber and skips the part where Cauthrien tries to keep you out. I also remember removing some *.cub file from the override folder. Isn't that a cutscene? If it does not belong to Alistair's Wedding, then it is most likely another mod that causes the conflict.

I have several armour and weapon and clothing mods installed:

* Installed DAZIP Files

- The Lucky Stone (Promo)

- Guildmaster's Belt (Promo)

- Blood Dragon Armor (Promo)

- The Wicked Oath (Promo)

- Warden's Keep (DLC)

- Embri's Many Pockets (Promo)

- Amulet of the War Mage (Promo)

- Mark of Vigiliance (Promo)

- Feral Wolf Charm (Promo)

- Helm of the Deep (Promo)

- The Lion's Paw (Promo)

- The Edge (Promo)

- Memory Band (Promo)

- Dalish Promise Ring (Promo)

- Band of Mercy (Promo)

- Sword of Mercy (disabled)

- Golem's Might (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

- Elvhenan Weapons

- Andraste's Weapons (disabled)

- Shaperates Blessing (disabled)

- Kilgorin - Sword of Darkness

- Witch Hunt (DLC)

- Bregan's Bow (for Awakening) (Promo)

- Bregan's Bow (for Origins) (Promo)

- The Stone Prisoner (DLC)

- Talent Books (for Origins) (BioWare Social Network)

- TnT EnA A

- Ancient Boots (BioWare Social Network)

- Improved Chain Lightning(Friendly Fire)

- Witch Robes for Elves

- The Winter Forge (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

- Wilds Robe

- Bulwark of the True King (for Awakening) (Promo)

- Pearl of the Anointed (for Awakening) (Promo)

- Bulwark of the True King (for Origins) (Promo)

- tal_storage_chest (BioWare Social Network)

- Pearl of the Anointed (for Origins) (Promo)

- Advanced Quickbar

- Grey Warden Runic Armor (disabled)

- Far Song for Owen

- Queens Attire

- The Winter Forge - Awakening (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

- The Winter Forge - Leliana's Song (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

- The Winter Forge - Golems of Amgarrak (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

- The Winter Forge - Witch Hunt (http://dragonage.phaenan.net/configuration-ini.html)

- Healing Received Fix

- TnT Blade Dancer (disabled)

- Dragon Age: Awakening (Official Module)

- Return to Ostagar (DLC)

- Feastday Gifts (DLC)

- Feastdayss Pranks (DLC)

- Golem's Might (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

- The Darkspawn Chronicles (DLC)

- Witchcraft (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

- Blightblood (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

- Witchcraft (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

- Blightblood (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

- Leliana's Song (DLC)

- Battledress of the Provocateur (for Origins) (DLC unlockable)

- Battledress of the Provocateur (for Awakening) (DLC unlockable)

- The Golems of Amgarrak (DLC)


* What's in my Override Folder:

* As Separate Folders:

Apprentice robe fix (female mage robes will now have the fabric details the male robes have by default)

blkblade_drop_fix (Armorpiece will now drop in Awakening)

Chantry ToplessV2 (Chantry Robe)

Cousland Sword and Shield

DAO Nude Paintings (overrides paintings in base game and DLC)

DesireDemonNude (changes the texture of the Desire Demon)

Equal Love (Morrigan and Alistair can be romanced by samesex Warden)

Flemeth Robe (Flemeth's Robes from DAII can be added by script)

gar_improvedcl (changed script for chain lightning)

Ig_Noble_Dress-807 (makes the noble dress -as worn by Lady Isolde f.i.- more revealing)

JowansIntention (fixes the Jowan's Intention Quest; it can now be actually played)

ladyaeducan (when romantically involved with Gorim, this can trigger a sex scene before Gorim leaves for the surface)

LadyoftheForestNude (what the name says)

Malcolm Face Morph (using the Dragon Age Face Replacer, you can change your male Human Noble to look like the Warden from the SA Trailer)

MorrigansFace (replaces the eight preset of the Human Female into Morrigan's)

NaturalBodies 1.00 (bodymesh and texture replacer for all races)

NMM_chargenmorphcfg (installed by the NMM)

phae_mainmodule (The Winter Forge)

SexMovieAlwaysPlays (having romanced a companion the "Let's go to bed" option will trigger the sex scene; Morrigan's option should be "Kiss her")

Sigrun Dark (changes Sigrun's head in Awakening)

Swish of Satin (a dagger added via script in Awakening)

The Pearl Redone (changes sexscenes at the Pearl for all Wardens except Dwarves)

TnT Blade Dancer v1.1 (skimpy rogue armor; Elves and Humans only)

TnT Enarmored A_01 (slingshot outfit for human mage)

Trailer Leliana v1_0 (makes Leliana resembles the one in the SA Trailer)

Trailer Leliana v1_0 - DLC version (works for DLC Leliana's Song)

WitchRobesElves (adds a set or renamed Morrigan's Robes without restriction that's wearable for both Elves and Humans)

z_TerraEx_Silverite (should correct the Silverite Mines bug in Awakening)

ZylchMorriganRobes (makes Morrigan's Robes topless)


* Loose Files





additem.ncs (allows you to add (mostly vanilla) items via console script)

sdw_recipes.ncs (gives all recipes in DAO)

sdw_recipes_daa_ncs (gives all recipes DAA)


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Thank you for posting your mods! I'm also happy to hear you were sensitive to the savegames you tested with. Can you please tell me exactly what *.cub file you removed as well as any other specific files you've removed for the bug to disappear? Do you have a log that says exactly what files you've uninstalled? This is very important for me to know. Meanwhile I'm going to look into the conversation event that should trigger on areaload.


Also if possible, can you leave the Wedding DAzip installed (the latest version) without manually adding anything to your override folders, then see if the bug occurs?


Thanks for your cooperation!

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I think I may have found the reason for the bug. It may happen when you run the optional cutscene performance test incorrectly, or experience errors.


The optional cutscene performance test that comes with my mod installs 4 temporary files into your override folder, which upon successful completion of the test will be deleted by the test program:


1. den600ar_landsmeet_chamber.are

2. den600ar_landsmeet_chamber.lst

3. wedding_test.cub

4. wedding_test.cut


If you stop the test prematurely, or something isn't set correctly when you enter information in the fields, those four files will not be deleted by the program and remain in your override. Because the first two files override the Landsmeet area, you may not be able to see things function correctly in the Chamber.


Since not many use the test, and even less experience errors, the bug has not been reported as it is not an essential part of the mod. It was designed for older computers where back in the days when performance was questionable.


Could it be that you used the cutscene test at some point and those files were left in your override? If so, can you please do me a favor and install the Wedding as you would normally, (though without performing the optional test) and see if the bug occurs?


If not, I'll check for anything else and await your reply to my previous post.


Thanks again!

Edited by DahliaLynn
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Those cutscene performance test files sound awfully familiar; those were the files I manually removed after uninstalling the main mod. I'll install the regular DAZIP and see if I can replicate the bug.


I used the same savegame after uninstalling the mod. When installed using DAUpdater, game performed without a hitch. I separately tested the 1.1 DAZIP with and without the 1.2 manual update; they both pass with flying colors. Ser Cauthrien's scene triggers as it should.

When I stopped playing DAO many months ago, Alistair's Wedding was pretty much the last mod I'd installed, but I never got around to finishing the game with a human noble who'd romanced Alistair.

I've only started playing DAO again quite recently. My recent playthrough (Dwarf Commoner) all went fine and as expected. Until the Landsmeet. I searched the Nexus forums and came across the other thread whIch link I posted (temporary deletion of the override folder). My game had always performed okay -no glitchy behavior- even with all the mods I had installed. At first I thought it might be a computer virus that had corrupted the game files. Having ruled that one out Alistair's Wedding was my most recently installed mod.

After its full removal -with both NMM and the manual deletions- my game functioned as it should. I never contemplated it could have been the Performance Test files that might be problem -I cleanly forgot about those.

So, I'm sorry I jumped to a premature conclusion -that was pretty inconsiderate, not to mention stupid of me.


In conclusion it seems fairly conclusive that those performance test files

1. den600ar_landsmeet_chamber.are

2. den600ar_landsmeet_chamber.lst

3. wedding_test.cub

4. wedding_test.cut

caused the buggy behaviour.


(Wanted to post earlier, but the Nexus went down for maintenance when I was typing the EDIT).

Edited by Alehazar
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Thanks so much for doing the testing! I knew that the Wedding was specifically designed not to conflict with anything, however the test program and files were a last minute attempt to avoid potential let downs in case certain systems weren't up for the load.


The only conflicting files would be the first two, as the second two don't affect anything in the game.

I may have to write a warning for those who use the test and don't allow the program to successfully complete its actions. (Deleting the temporary files).


Thank you again for such diligent testing. In my experience many people come to quick conclusions without doing a fraction of the amount of testing you did, and your thinking process was correct. Last mod being the wedding would have been a logical conclusion. You couldn't have known that there were various parts to it that weren't mandatory, and I certainly don't expect you to remember the wedding scene test program which in all honesty, hardly anyone has used it :smile:


I'll modify the description a bit to add this note.

Edited by DahliaLynn
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