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Zyggi's help with mod Enable message prompts please


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Anybody could help me with the Casual version of the mod (using 2.71) to enable interaction prompts? I think removing them was a bad idea because it helps you very much when are you in takedown range or when are you in a good spot to perform a death from below takedown (else you will just spam the melee button).

I have tried to extract the mod and edit by myself but unfortunately I extract unknown files also which makes it impossible to repack the mod with 100% integrity.

Edited by KopiG
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm actually wondering how to disable the interaction prompts. I'm using the 30 Days mod and especially want to get rid of the [shift] Hold Breath prompt, among others.


I unpacked common.fat and found in _UNKNOWN/text/ an .xml file called ED76E7DACFA2EC18, which contains the text strings for, among other things, all of the interaction prompts. I deleted all of the appropriate strings, saved the file, and repacked the folder into a new common.fat/.dat. However, I didn't notice any changes in the game - the prompts were still there.


It seems from other mods that the patch.fat/.dat files contain the data needed to manipulate the interaction prompts. However, I don't have a clue which file in the unpacked folder I should look at. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you had any success working this out yet? - I'm modifying FC3 Legit mod using some features from Zyggi's mod.


I like the single click interaction and completely gone HUD world indicators and icons of ziggy's but otherwise prefer everything else about Legit.


- so far I have the single click interaction, all pointers and indicators gone from HUD (thank god I'm finally rid of the quest icons on the notice boards and little floating pointers etc!!!) and have put back the little square in middle of the camera.


The final thing I want is to be rid of those interaction lables.

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EDIT / ADDITION - okay I've discovered that Ziggy's mod does away with those prompts via changes in "oasisstrings_compressed.bin". - ie. so if you want Ziggy's mod but WITH the action prompts then unpack Ziggy's patch.dat/fat, delete the "Languages" folder and repack - BUT - apparently that file changes other things, but exactly what I don't know.


Unfortunately I can't find working download for the utility that was made to unpack that oasisstrings file - but I've read that it can be edited with a hex editor - same sort of deal as editing the .dll files I suppose - ie. sifting thru hoping that stuff in the text block will make sense at least occasionally. As far as Ziggy's mod funtionality with Interaction prompts removed - specifically as far as the quick response buttons for animal attack etc., I'm not positive yet, but ingame I think it seems the animals won't latch onto you anymore thus doing away with the need for quick button messages (ie. the animals just swipe or bite). The action messages for cutscene sequences still operate normally.

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