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What's the deal with Sectopods?


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In EU, their Hardened ability made it tough to get criticals against them, now it seems you just do less damage. I'm getting criticals with a plasma rifle that do only 6 damage. WTF? I was cruising through the game, had a deep team, ran into one of them and my whole team died. Not fair.

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In EW Sectopods Got New Buffs. They Get 50% Damage Reduction (Which Technically Doubles Their Life). And U Really Need Heavies To Bring Them Down Or Someone Who Can Use Heat Ammo.

Edited by srujanteja
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Well, I dropped their defensive bonus from 30 to 5 (I don't care how good their reflexes are, that's a lot to shoot at), and I'm considering dropping their HP to 25. Sure, I want a challenge, but I play games for fun, not as an excuse to curse at my computer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I Dont Think We Should Drop The Defense Of Sectopods ... They Are Fine As They Are .. Just Train A Few Heavy People And It Will Go Down Easily

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  • 2 weeks later...

The problem is the new EW stuff: MECs, free cloack, def bonus,...

Now, you can kill a Sectopd easily with mimetic skin, telecinetic field, Mecs (they can resist several 10 damage hits) and so, without worry about tactics.


This makes me feel primitive with my method of shredding when with double Shotgun blasts and finishing them off with a MEC Kinetic Fist beatdown.

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  • 1 month later...

Their just as easy if you have taken the right squad. 1 or 2 Hvy with shredder rocket so damage done is the same as before. Squadsight sniper with 'disabling shot', Mech with EMP but make sure you get an assault with lightning reflexes to get rid of it's overwatch. Alloy Cannon with rapid fire etc. Just takes more care is all. The really bad thing is when you get missions with 4 of them on the darn map.

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