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Better Visual plugins


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I just installed MW on my 'new' computer, and I was wondering: What mods are there that improver meshes and textures WITHOUT having artist's interpretations? A good example of what I DON'T mean, for instance, is the Astarsis Fiery Dunmer head replacer, Dunmer shouldn't have fluorescent hair and forhead jewel-things. Better Bodies, of course, will be a good start-but I'm looking for critters and stuff too.
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I think if you check out the thread 'favourite mods' one of the posters included a long list of effect enhancing mods. There are many texture enhancements. I got one from Euro-Morrowind before they vanished but I think you can find them on most sites (try Thelys). Atmospheric Sound effects are fun and you can try various window effects too. As for bodies and heads, Better Bodies and Better Heads are good. You can download several modders tools for faces and use the construction set to change the face of every NPC if you feel like it!


BTW you can change everything about any of them so if Fargoth annoys you as a Bosmer turn him into something else. In my current game (testing mods, it's all I play for now) I've dressed him in blue jeans and a pink and yellow tie-dye tee-shirt! (I always felt the game was a bit short on bright colours.) There's a mod for practically everything if you can be bothered to look for it.

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