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So, I just started playing xcom eu this weekend, and just now started to look if it is possible to mod the game. After reading through some tutorials I realize it's not that easy to do however so what I'm asking for might not be possible.


1. Some sort of indicator that the tile I currently have hightlighted (during a moving session) have an alien in sight that has been already spotted. I don't want to know chance to hit him or anything, just to make sure I don't move one tile to much and cant see him at all. In my mind an alien head would appear in the middle of the selection box, and not even specific as to which alien it is referring to.


2. Possible UI element giving me info on the alien currently in sight. There has been quite a few occasions where I have moved down the wrong alien (from my intentions) because the camera angle is very strict and the aliens are bunched together too much. One typical scenario is where I mindfreyed one alien to keep his aim low, and then take out the second one first to make sure I wouldn't get hit. Due to the fact that they stood too close I couldn't see which was which, and I killed the mindfreyed already, and then got shot myself.

Possible info could be shown when hovering over the alien heads you get in the lower part of your screen, and give me info such as type of alien, current hp and current debuffs.

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