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If I get EW, can I still play pure EU?


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Hi folks,


I'm late to the XCOM party, and just got Enemy Unknown. It's a little quirky so I want to use XCOM Tool Boks (which brought me here).


But the Tool Boks is for EW, not EU, and realistically may never be updated for EU, per se - but it begs the simple question: If I get EW, can I still play "pure" EU a few times?


I hear EW is good too, so I do plan to get it anyway. But I want to play plain EU a few times, first. Maybe if I get EW, I can then effectively use Tool Boks with EU. (See what I mean?)


So the question is: If I get the EW expansion, can I still play a few games of "pure" EU before actually playing EW? (And I presume Tool Boks will be able to be used with EU, then.)


Thanks if you know!



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Short answer: Yes!


Long answer: When you launch the game after installing EW you get a choice to fire up with EW or EU. I haven't tried the EU option since I got the expansion so not sure if anything got tweaked. However, I do not believe the current version of Toolboks will make any changes to EU. Both games have their own folders and executables, and Toolboks is currently (to my knowledge) only set up to modify EW.


That said, EW simply added things on to EU. If you play through EU, when you get around to playing through EW you still have to do the same campaign/story, which isn't a problem if you like multiple playthroughs but if you're the sort who gets bored replaying the same story it might not be optimal.

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Hi Neonin, thanks for answering!


So, I can still play EU if I get EW (good)...


But it sounds like Tool Boks can't help me with EU (bad).



Speaking in general (not just XCOM), auto-updating (e.g. Steam) is a good and indeed inevitable thing...


but I hate how it keeps breaking third-party tools and mods.





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