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SkyZ - A DayZ conversion mod for Skyrim.


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Greetings Skyrim community.


I've recently embarked on a large project for Skyrim which involves turning it into a large survival based zombie game. However It's something I'm having trouble doing alone. But before I get to that let me just give a little background information on what is going on.


If you have played DayZ then you'll know what I'm trying to do here. I'm removing all vanilla NPCs and replacing/reallocating them. I've changed (or intend to change) many of the the cities/towns of Skyrim to suit the apocalyptic stage. For example, some are completely ruined and overrun with the walking dead. Others are in the process of been overrun, and some are still holding out against the waves of dead and provide a safe haven for adventurers to restock, sell of valuables and rest. Many new NPCs are going to be added such as refugees, adventurers, traders, raiders, scavengers and more. Also I've replaced the smithing skill with the survival skill. This tree covers things such as smithing armors and weapons, cooking food and gathering supplies in order to survive the apocalypse. Here is a list of what I've done so far:


Ruined Whiterun - Its now abandoned and crawling with dead. Plenty of supplies though.

Added Survival Perk tree - Replaces smithing as a skill.

Fortified Solitude - One of the few cities holding out against the hordes of dead.

Added a few new NPCs

Removed Vanilla NPCs - Yes that means there are no vanilla quest either. This is an apocalypse, you don't have time to prance of to some cave to recover some old guys lost helmet! However many new quests and tasks will be added.


Yeah it doesn't look like much but it sure as hell to a heck of a long time for just me to do. So that's why I'm calling on the community. If you have an suggestions they are most welcome and even better, if you would like to help out just PM me and say what you are good at (Scripting, texturing, level design etc).


Thanks guys,


PS, I will update this thread along with the development of this mod so it would probably be a good idea to follow it if you are interested. :thumbsup:

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