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Getting the Crown of barenziah Before the Quest Request


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It seems going to Tolvalds Cave beforehand makes the Crown the only piece of Quest Item "Hidden" until such time comes to go and get it.


What im requesting is and if its possible, to make the Crown available so i can get it right now, even though i dont have all the Stones, plus i havent even found out about what so important about the Unusual Gems.


So now even though i find out through Vex the insignificance about the Stones and collect them all, then when she tells me about the Crown, i can just hand it to her.


It seems Bethesda was clever enough to Hide the Crown behind a wall witch i think should be Removed through the Mod, thus it makes me wonder why they dident Hide other Quest objects beforehand so i dont have to drag them around half my Game, hence this Request


Edited by daventry
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