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Questions about explosion damage


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I'm trying to understand how explosion damage works with the Creation Kit. Every explosive weapon or explosive shows very low physical damage (most of the time, 1 damage). As I understand it, the actual explosion damage comes from somewhere else ; I think it is in "Explosion" in "SpecialEffect", as there are multiple explosions in there with a damage value.


But what type of damage are they ? Physical ? Energy ? I try to understand if damage reduction (either physical or energy) protects from explosion damage. Or if it is a separate type that is not affected by either physical or energy damage.


The wiki says : In Fallout 4 and Fallout 76, explosive is not its own damage type, rather it is a damage sub-type. Explosives are a way to deal proper damage types. For example, a missile launcher will create an explosion that deals physical damage, while a plasma grenade will create an explosive that deals both physical and energy damage.


But it seems to contradict information I read elsewhere (can't remember where, sadly).


So :


- is explosion damage its own damage type, not affected by energy or physical reduction ?

- is explosion damage dependent of the weapon used to fire (so energy grenades create energy damage explosion and traditional grenades create physical explosion. If it's the case, how does the CK can "tell" which type of explosion must be used ?

- can explosion damage crit ? If the answer is yes, how is it calculated ?


Thank you.



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If you look at Plasma or Pulse grenade explosion, they have Enchantments for additional typed damage. Pure explosion does raw physical damage, i guess.


There is perk entry Mod Incoming Explosion damage and others related, can be controlled separately as a subtype, though as i remember, explosion is handled anyway by generic incoming damage modifier too.


Not familiar with how crits are calculated exactly, but seems be inherited from weapon via Projectile, when latter has explosion specified. Let's say, plasma gren would gooify by CritPlasma spell. Probably, other Critical Data like Crit Mult goes into play as well.

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- is explosion damage its own damage type, not affected by energy or physical reduction ?

- is explosion damage dependent of the weapon used to fire (so energy grenades create energy damage explosion and traditional grenades create physical explosion. If it's the case, how does the CK can "tell" which type of explosion must be used ?

- can explosion damage crit ? If the answer is yes, how is it calculated ?


1) explosion damage is physical damage. It's resistance value is DamageResist.


- Explosion >> Damage: it's the explosion's "own" damage which is always physical damage as far as I know.

- Explosion >> Enhancement (Creation Kit) / EITM - Object Effect (FO4Edit) >> Effect Item. Effect Item can be a Magic Effect. Enhancements of Explosions usually have a Magic Effect (or Magic Effects as they can have more) that damages the Magic Effect's Target's Health.

- Target: Delivery >> "Contant" (Creation Kit) / "Touch" (FO4Edit) means the Magic Effect is applied to any living actor that the explosion "touches". In other words, the actor is within Explosion >> Radius to the Explosion's root.

- Explosion's root: where the Explosive is spawned.

- Damage: how much the Magic Effect affects its target ("damages their Health") is determined by its Magnitude and Duration.

- E.g., plasmaGrenadeExplosion

- Physical damage = 150 (because of plasmaGrenadeExplosion >> Damage = 150.

- Energy damage = 150 (because of plasmaGrenadeExplosion >> EnchPlasmaGrenadeEnergyDmg >> dtPlasmaEffectChanceAlways. Magnitude = 150 AND Duration = 1. (Duration = 1 means 1 real-time second).

- Why the Magic Effect "dtPlasmaEffectChanceAlways" damages the Target's Health? Because its "Effect Archetype" = Value Modifier and "Assoc. Item 1" = Health.

- And why energy damage? Because its Resist Value = EnergyResist.

- Connection between Magnitude and Duration:

- if Duration = 1 AND Magnitue = 150, the Magic Effect's Damage = 150.

- if Duration = 1 AND Magnitue = 200, the Magic Effect's Damage = 200.

- if Duration = 2 AND Magnitue = 150, the Magic Effect's Damage = 300.

- if Duration = 2 AND Magnitue = 200, the Magic Effect's Damage = 400.


- Crit Effect is defined in Weapon forms (e.g., PlasmaGrenade >> Crit Effect >> CritPlasma).

- I think it has only one Game Setting fCritEffectOnDeathPercent which is set to 25 by default.



- hierarchy: PlasmaGrenade (Weapon) >> creates: PlasmaGrenadeProjectile (Projectile) >> spawnes: plasmaGrenadeExplosion (Explosion) >> which has: EnchPlasmaGrenadeEnergyDmg (Enhancement) >> which applies: dtPlasmaEffectChanceAlways (Magic Effect) >> to target: which must be a living actor (Magic Effect >> Delivery >> Contact / Touch).

- PlasmaGrenade (Weapon) has its Damage = 0 because its Projectile handles the Damages through plasmaGrenadeExplosion (physical) and dtPlasmaEffectChanceAlways (energy).

Edited by LarannKiar
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