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Rate Races and Stones !


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Title is self explanatory .

I start :)


Breton 10/10 :

- Best passiv ability by far . ( 25% magic resist which allow them to cap it ( the cap limit is 85% ) without using any enchants ) .

- One of the best activ ability ( With atronach perk or stone you can literally absorb 100% since it is uncapped , "only 80% if perk+activ )

- Good looking ( i prefer the human races overall )

- Small so smaller hitbox :pirate:


Orc 9/10 :

- They have no passiv ability but they have the most broken ability ingame : Berseker Rage .

- You are green .


Well now ratings drops hard :



Dunmer 7/10 :

-Pretty much useless ( well not at the start ) activ ability but fire resist pretty much counterbalance vampirism which makes them the second best vampire race after Breton .



Khajiit 5/10 :

-They are the only choice trully viable if you want to fight with your first alone .


Argonian 4/10 :

- Cuz you are a lizard you have one point . 3 points for the activ which is pretty stronk.


Nords 4/10 :

-Resist to frost is somewhat cool but thing is you will overcap it if you are vampire . But well you will cap it without any enchants . and if you are not a vampire it is actually pretty nice .


Well now ratings drops very hard :


Altmer 1/10 :

- Im sorry to say that but magicka is useless in skyrim because you will make enchants that totally anihilate the cost . Well i suppose you can use less enchanted stuff and use a bit of your magicka if you use altmers ... so yeah i give you two points minus one cuz of the looks .


Imperial 1/10 :

- Because you play with literally no bonuses . Which is cool if you want more "challenge" ( well skyrim isnt hard unless you use some mods that multiply dificulty to make it like good old oblivion with his x36 difficulty ) .


Bosmer 0/10 :

- Ugly , useless pasiv , close to useless activ ( tought fun ) .


Redguard 0/10 :

-Ho comon give stamina bonuses to black peoples is a so big stereotype , to bad a venison stew makes you able to chain power attack or else the activ could have been maybe usefull .



Now for the stones :


Lord 10/10 : Yep this is the best by far . Not for the armor that you can cap pretty early but for the magic resist : you are a breton ( or a doublebreton haha ) .


Atronach 9/10 : Only the absorbtion is revelant since magicka is useless . Thing is for some reasons magic resist > ABsorbtion . UNLESS you play with a shield and dat 70 % magic resist on it + the gift of mara for capping .


Steed stone 7/10 : SO DAMN USEFULL .


All training stones : 5/10 yep usefull .


Lady 2/10 : only one worth mentioning now for the little passiv .


All the activ stones : 0/10 . All of their power isnt unique and can be done early with other spells/items .


- -67698696/10 For the apprentice : Haha nice joke well if you are a breton and you want to troll with your 100% absorbtion it is usable but you will gain nothing from it anyway since magicka is useless .


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Argonians have a ridicolously overpowered racial power, Histskin. You are immortal for one minute :D

And you can slash dragons in the face while they set you in fire.


Altmer, tough clearly the most hated race they are the tallest, and Bethesda coded that the more tall you are the more strong and fast you are. So Altmer deal 8% damage more with all weapons and 8% move faster. Not one of the worst race then...

Orcs are the second tallest race.


Bosmer are probably the worst race because are a weaker version than Khajiit, as always.

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Argonians have a ridicolously overpowered racial power, Histskin. You are immortal for one minute :D

And you can slash dragons in the face while they set you in fire.


Altmer, tough clearly the most hated race they are the tallest, and Bethesda coded that the more tall you are the more strong and fast you are. So Altmer deal 8% damage more with all weapons and 8% move faster. Not one of the worst race then...

Orcs are the second tallest race.


Bosmer are probably the worst race because are a weaker version than Khajiit, as always.

I haven't played with vanilla races in a while; I use the SkyRe races module. It balances the races really well, so how "good" a particular race is really depends on the build you're going for. With SkyRe, Redguards have a REALLY good active ability; slow time for 15 seconds with a two minute cool-down. Combine this with the Light Weaponry (One-Handed) perk Dervish's Dance (chance to stagger or knock down opponent when wielding a scimitar and moving), and you have a very powerful, AND very traditional, lore-friendly Redguard swordsman.


As you can see from my picture, I am a huge fan of the Bosmer race. In vanilla Skyrim, the Archery bonus is a pretty big deal for anyone who plans on using a bow in that playthrough. The first race I ever played was Bosmer, so for the longest time, I never understood what the fuss about frostbite spiders was; there poison had very little effect. SkyRe only enhances this already versatile race. In line with Elder Scrolls lore, one Bosmer passive adds a 25% buff to archery against animals, supporting the widely known fact that Bosmer are the hands down best Archers/ Hunters on Tamriel. In general, if you play an archer, Bosmer is your only choice.


In general though, I have to agree with KratosAurion; Bretons are my favorite, both because of the magic resistance and their versatility.


Standing stones, I pick a Guardian Stone until I hit a certain level; which one I pick depends on the build. Then I switch to Lord Stone, because it's awesome.

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  • 3 months later...

Title is self explanatory .

I start :smile:


Breton 10/10 :

- Best passiv ability by far . ( 25% magic resist which allow them to cap it ( the cap limit is 85% ) without using any enchants ) .

- One of the best activ ability ( With atronach perk or stone you can literally absorb 100% since it is uncapped , "only 80% if perk+activ )

- Good looking ( i prefer the human races overall )

- Small so smaller hitbox :pirate:


Orc 9/10 :

- They have no passiv ability but they have the most broken ability ingame : Berseker Rage .

- You are green .


Well now ratings drops hard :



Dunmer 7/10 :

-Pretty much useless ( well not at the start ) activ ability but fire resist pretty much counterbalance vampirism which makes them the second best vampire race after Breton .



Khajiit 5/10 :

-They are the only choice trully viable if you want to fight with your first alone .


Argonian 4/10 :

- Cuz you are a lizard you have one point . 3 points for the activ which is pretty stronk.


Nords 4/10 :

-Resist to frost is somewhat cool but thing is you will overcap it if you are vampire . But well you will cap it without any enchants . and if you are not a vampire it is actually pretty nice .


Well now ratings drops very hard :


Altmer 1/10 :

- Im sorry to say that but magicka is useless in skyrim because you will make enchants that totally anihilate the cost . Well i suppose you can use less enchanted stuff and use a bit of your magicka if you use altmers ... so yeah i give you two points minus one cuz of the looks .


Imperial 1/10 :

- Because you play with literally no bonuses . Which is cool if you want more "challenge" ( well skyrim isnt hard unless you use some mods that multiply dificulty to make it like good old oblivion with his x36 difficulty ) .


Bosmer 0/10 :

- Ugly , useless pasiv , close to useless activ ( tought fun ) .


Redguard 0/10 :

-Ho comon give stamina bonuses to black peoples is a so big stereotype , to bad a venison stew makes you able to chain power attack or else the activ could have been maybe usefull .



Now for the stones :


Lord 10/10 : Yep this is the best by far . Not for the armor that you can cap pretty early but for the magic resist : you are a breton ( or a doublebreton haha ) .


Atronach 9/10 : Only the absorbtion is revelant since magicka is useless . Thing is for some reasons magic resist > ABsorbtion . UNLESS you play with a shield and dat 70 % magic resist on it + the gift of mara for capping .


Steed stone 7/10 : SO DAMN USEFULL .


All training stones : 5/10 yep usefull .


Lady 2/10 : only one worth mentioning now for the little passiv .


All the activ stones : 0/10 . All of their power isnt unique and can be done early with other spells/items .


- -67698696/10 For the apprentice : Haha nice joke well if you are a breton and you want to troll with your 100% absorbtion it is usable but you will gain nothing from it anyway since magicka is useless .


If Altmer were so weak they wouldn't be the ruling race in Tamriel

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I like playing as a wimpy Imperial Alchemist, though I see why you gave them such a medicore ranking.





If Altmer were so weak they wouldn't be the ruling race in Tamriel


Well, the sometimes quite broken game mechanisms often fail to live up to lore implications. For example, there are NO in-game references towards Imperials being supreme tacticians.

Also, a nation´s / organization´s success is not necessarily due to the skills of the individuals, but also depends on their abilities of working together.

SkyRe takes care of most of the issues, as pointed out somewhere above.


Edit: I wouldn´t place the Ritual stone so low. The plusses are, it is acutally available very early in-game, and its responding spell will be out of reach for quite a while.

Edited by notmyhome
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Title is self explanatory .

I start :smile:


Breton 10/10 :

- Best passiv ability by far . ( 25% magic resist which allow them to cap it ( the cap limit is 85% ) without using any enchants ) .

- One of the best activ ability ( With atronach perk or stone you can literally absorb 100% since it is uncapped , "only 80% if perk+activ )

- Good looking ( i prefer the human races overall )

- Small so smaller hitbox :pirate:


Orc 9/10 :

- They have no passiv ability but they have the most broken ability ingame : Berseker Rage .

- You are green .


Well now ratings drops hard :



Dunmer 7/10 :

-Pretty much useless ( well not at the start ) activ ability but fire resist pretty much counterbalance vampirism which makes them the second best vampire race after Breton .



Khajiit 5/10 :

-They are the only choice trully viable if you want to fight with your first alone .


Argonian 4/10 :

- Cuz you are a lizard you have one point . 3 points for the activ which is pretty stronk.


Nords 4/10 :

-Resist to frost is somewhat cool but thing is you will overcap it if you are vampire . But well you will cap it without any enchants . and if you are not a vampire it is actually pretty nice .


Well now ratings drops very hard :


Altmer 1/10 :

- Im sorry to say that but magicka is useless in skyrim because you will make enchants that totally anihilate the cost . Well i suppose you can use less enchanted stuff and use a bit of your magicka if you use altmers ... so yeah i give you two points minus one cuz of the looks .


Imperial 1/10 :

- Because you play with literally no bonuses . Which is cool if you want more "challenge" ( well skyrim isnt hard unless you use some mods that multiply dificulty to make it like good old oblivion with his x36 difficulty ) .


Bosmer 0/10 :

- Ugly , useless pasiv , close to useless activ ( tought fun ) .


Redguard 0/10 :

-Ho comon give stamina bonuses to black peoples is a so big stereotype , to bad a venison stew makes you able to chain power attack or else the activ could have been maybe usefull .



Now for the stones :


Lord 10/10 : Yep this is the best by far . Not for the armor that you can cap pretty early but for the magic resist : you are a breton ( or a doublebreton haha ) .


Atronach 9/10 : Only the absorbtion is revelant since magicka is useless . Thing is for some reasons magic resist > ABsorbtion . UNLESS you play with a shield and dat 70 % magic resist on it + the gift of mara for capping .


Steed stone 7/10 : SO DAMN USEFULL .


All training stones : 5/10 yep usefull .


Lady 2/10 : only one worth mentioning now for the little passiv .


All the activ stones : 0/10 . All of their power isnt unique and can be done early with other spells/items .


- -67698696/10 For the apprentice : Haha nice joke well if you are a breton and you want to troll with your 100% absorbtion it is usable but you will gain nothing from it anyway since magicka is useless .


your ratings are personal opinion and do not represent the true ratings

for a starting character the racial abillity may be pretty important but if you progress thru the game and you develop your character they abillity losses importance pretty fast

those 25ù resist for a breton are for a high level character useless since resists are capped at 80% ( correct me if i am wrongà any race can have max resust with rthe right perks and equipment

for standing stones again it is how and what kind of character you play and how far you are into the game the lord stone early in the game can be a huge different but for a high level character i would prefer the loverstone

so my opinion , how good is a race or standing stone all depends what and how you are playing

one thing i do not like in gaming is metagamming and people who spend more time in calculating the ultimate killing macne instead of true game immersion and fun

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